• '\n };\n\n var ParsleyAbstract = function () {};\n\n ParsleyAbstract.prototype = {\n asyncSupport: true, // Deprecated\n\n actualizeOptions: function () {\n ParsleyUtils__default.attr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, this.domOptions);\n if (this.parent && this.parent.actualizeOptions)\n this.parent.actualizeOptions();\n return this;\n },\n\n _resetOptions: function (initOptions) {\n this.domOptions = ParsleyUtils__default.objectCreate(this.parent.options);\n this.options = ParsleyUtils__default.objectCreate(this.domOptions);\n // Shallow copy of ownProperties of initOptions:\n for (var i in initOptions) {\n if (initOptions.hasOwnProperty(i))\n this.options[i] = initOptions[i];\n }\n this.actualizeOptions();\n },\n\n _listeners: null,\n\n // Register a callback for the given event name.\n // Callback is called with context as the first argument and the `this`.\n // The context is the current parsley instance, or window.Parsley if global.\n // A return value of `false` will interrupt the calls\n on: function (name, fn) {\n this._listeners = this._listeners || {};\n var queue = this._listeners[name] = this._listeners[name] || [];\n queue.push(fn);\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Deprecated. Use `on` instead.\n subscribe: function(name, fn) {\n $.listenTo(this, name.toLowerCase(), fn);\n },\n\n // Unregister a callback (or all if none is given) for the given event name\n off: function (name, fn) {\n var queue = this._listeners && this._listeners[name];\n if (queue) {\n if (!fn) {\n delete this._listeners[name];\n } else {\n for (var i = queue.length; i--; )\n if (queue[i] === fn)\n queue.splice(i, 1);\n }\n }\n return this;\n },\n\n // Deprecated. Use `off`\n unsubscribe: function(name, fn) {\n $.unsubscribeTo(this, name.toLowerCase());\n },\n\n // Trigger an event of the given name.\n // A return value of `false` interrupts the callback chain.\n // Returns false if execution was interrupted.\n trigger: function (name, target, extraArg) {\n target = target || this;\n var queue = this._listeners && this._listeners[name];\n var result;\n var parentResult;\n if (queue) {\n for (var i = queue.length; i--; ) {\n result = queue[i].call(target, target, extraArg);\n if (result === false) return result;\n }\n }\n if (this.parent) {\n return this.parent.trigger(name, target, extraArg);\n }\n return true;\n },\n\n // Reset UI\n reset: function () {\n // Field case: just emit a reset event for UI\n if ('ParsleyForm' !== this.__class__)\n return this._trigger('reset');\n\n // Form case: emit a reset event for each field\n for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++)\n this.fields[i]._trigger('reset');\n\n this._trigger('reset');\n },\n\n // Destroy Parsley instance (+ UI)\n destroy: function () {\n // Field case: emit destroy event to clean UI and then destroy stored instance\n if ('ParsleyForm' !== this.__class__) {\n this.$element.removeData('Parsley');\n this.$element.removeData('ParsleyFieldMultiple');\n this._trigger('destroy');\n\n return;\n }\n\n // Form case: destroy all its fields and then destroy stored instance\n for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++)\n this.fields[i].destroy();\n\n this.$element.removeData('Parsley');\n this._trigger('destroy');\n },\n\n asyncIsValid: function (group, force) {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warnOnce(\"asyncIsValid is deprecated; please use whenValid instead\");\n return this.whenValid({group, force});\n },\n\n _findRelated: function () {\n return this.options.multiple ?\n this.parent.$element.find(`[${this.options.namespace}multiple=\"${this.options.multiple}\"]`)\n : this.$element;\n }\n };\n\n var requirementConverters = {\n string: function(string) {\n return string;\n },\n integer: function(string) {\n if (isNaN(string))\n throw 'Requirement is not an integer: \"' + string + '\"';\n return parseInt(string, 10);\n },\n number: function(string) {\n if (isNaN(string))\n throw 'Requirement is not a number: \"' + string + '\"';\n return parseFloat(string);\n },\n reference: function(string) { // Unused for now\n var result = $(string);\n if (result.length === 0)\n throw 'No such reference: \"' + string + '\"';\n return result;\n },\n boolean: function(string) {\n return string !== 'false';\n },\n object: function(string) {\n return ParsleyUtils__default.deserializeValue(string);\n },\n regexp: function(regexp) {\n var flags = '';\n\n // Test if RegExp is literal, if not, nothing to be done, otherwise, we need to isolate flags and pattern\n if (/^\\/.*\\/(?:[gimy]*)$/.test(regexp)) {\n // Replace the regexp literal string with the first match group: ([gimy]*)\n // If no flag is present, this will be a blank string\n flags = regexp.replace(/.*\\/([gimy]*)$/, '$1');\n // Again, replace the regexp literal string with the first match group:\n // everything excluding the opening and closing slashes and the flags\n regexp = regexp.replace(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/' + flags + '$'), '$1');\n } else {\n // Anchor regexp:\n regexp = '^' + regexp + '$';\n }\n return new RegExp(regexp, flags);\n }\n };\n\n var convertArrayRequirement = function(string, length) {\n var m = string.match(/^\\s*\\[(.*)\\]\\s*$/);\n if (!m)\n throw 'Requirement is not an array: \"' + string + '\"';\n var values = m[1].split(',').map(ParsleyUtils__default.trimString);\n if (values.length !== length)\n throw 'Requirement has ' + values.length + ' values when ' + length + ' are needed';\n return values;\n };\n\n var convertRequirement = function(requirementType, string) {\n var converter = requirementConverters[requirementType || 'string'];\n if (!converter)\n throw 'Unknown requirement specification: \"' + requirementType + '\"';\n return converter(string);\n };\n\n var convertExtraOptionRequirement = function(requirementSpec, string, extraOptionReader) {\n var main = null;\n var extra = {};\n for (var key in requirementSpec) {\n if (key) {\n var value = extraOptionReader(key);\n if ('string' === typeof value)\n value = convertRequirement(requirementSpec[key], value);\n extra[key] = value;\n } else {\n main = convertRequirement(requirementSpec[key], string);\n }\n }\n return [main, extra];\n };\n\n // A Validator needs to implement the methods `validate` and `parseRequirements`\n\n var ParsleyValidator = function(spec) {\n $.extend(true, this, spec);\n };\n\n ParsleyValidator.prototype = {\n // Returns `true` iff the given `value` is valid according the given requirements.\n validate: function(value, requirementFirstArg) {\n if (this.fn) { // Legacy style validator\n\n if (arguments.length > 3) // If more args then value, requirement, instance...\n requirementFirstArg = [].slice.call(arguments, 1, -1); // Skip first arg (value) and last (instance), combining the rest\n return this.fn.call(this, value, requirementFirstArg);\n }\n\n if ($.isArray(value)) {\n if (!this.validateMultiple)\n throw 'Validator `' + this.name + '` does not handle multiple values';\n return this.validateMultiple(...arguments);\n } else {\n if (this.validateNumber) {\n if (isNaN(value))\n return false;\n arguments[0] = parseFloat(arguments[0]);\n return this.validateNumber(...arguments);\n }\n if (this.validateString) {\n return this.validateString(...arguments);\n }\n throw 'Validator `' + this.name + '` only handles multiple values';\n }\n },\n\n // Parses `requirements` into an array of arguments,\n // according to `this.requirementType`\n parseRequirements: function(requirements, extraOptionReader) {\n if ('string' !== typeof requirements) {\n // Assume requirement already parsed\n // but make sure we return an array\n return $.isArray(requirements) ? requirements : [requirements];\n }\n var type = this.requirementType;\n if ($.isArray(type)) {\n var values = convertArrayRequirement(requirements, type.length);\n for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)\n values[i] = convertRequirement(type[i], values[i]);\n return values;\n } else if ($.isPlainObject(type)) {\n return convertExtraOptionRequirement(type, requirements, extraOptionReader);\n } else {\n return [convertRequirement(type, requirements)];\n }\n },\n // Defaults:\n requirementType: 'string',\n\n priority: 2\n\n };\n\n var ParsleyValidatorRegistry = function (validators, catalog) {\n this.__class__ = 'ParsleyValidatorRegistry';\n\n // Default Parsley locale is en\n this.locale = 'en';\n\n this.init(validators || {}, catalog || {});\n };\n\n var typeRegexes = {\n email: /^((([a-z]|\\d|[!#\\$%&'\\*\\+\\-\\/=\\?\\^_`{\\|}~]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])+(\\.([a-z]|\\d|[!#\\$%&'\\*\\+\\-\\/=\\?\\^_`{\\|}~]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])+)*)|((\\x22)((((\\x20|\\x09)*(\\x0d\\x0a))?(\\x20|\\x09)+)?(([\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x7f]|\\x21|[\\x23-\\x5b]|[\\x5d-\\x7e]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])|(\\\\([\\x01-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0d-\\x7f]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF]))))*(((\\x20|\\x09)*(\\x0d\\x0a))?(\\x20|\\x09)+)?(\\x22)))@((([a-z]|\\d|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\\d|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])([a-z]|\\d|-|\\.|_|~|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\\d|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])))\\.)+(([a-z]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])([a-z]|\\d|-|\\.|_|~|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])))$/i,\n\n // Follow https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/infrastructure.html#floating-point-numbers\n number: /^-?(\\d*\\.)?\\d+(e[-+]?\\d+)?$/i,\n\n integer: /^-?\\d+$/,\n\n digits: /^\\d+$/,\n\n alphanum: /^\\w+$/i,\n\n url: new RegExp(\n \"^\" +\n // protocol identifier\n \"(?:(?:https?|ftp)://)?\" + // ** mod: make scheme optional\n // user:pass authentication\n \"(?:\\\\S+(?::\\\\S*)?@)?\" +\n \"(?:\" +\n // IP address exclusion\n // private & local networks\n // \"(?!(?:10|127)(?:\\\\.\\\\d{1,3}){3})\" + // ** mod: allow local networks\n // \"(?!(?:169\\\\.254|192\\\\.168)(?:\\\\.\\\\d{1,3}){2})\" + // ** mod: allow local networks\n // \"(?!172\\\\.(?:1[6-9]|2\\\\d|3[0-1])(?:\\\\.\\\\d{1,3}){2})\" + // ** mod: allow local networks\n // IP address dotted notation octets\n // excludes loopback network\n // excludes reserved space >=\n // excludes network & broacast addresses\n // (first & last IP address of each class)\n \"(?:[1-9]\\\\d?|1\\\\d\\\\d|2[01]\\\\d|22[0-3])\" +\n \"(?:\\\\.(?:1?\\\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\\\d|25[0-5])){2}\" +\n \"(?:\\\\.(?:[1-9]\\\\d?|1\\\\d\\\\d|2[0-4]\\\\d|25[0-4]))\" +\n \"|\" +\n // host name\n \"(?:(?:[a-z\\\\u00a1-\\\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\\\u00a1-\\\\uffff0-9]+)\" +\n // domain name\n \"(?:\\\\.(?:[a-z\\\\u00a1-\\\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\\\u00a1-\\\\uffff0-9]+)*\" +\n // TLD identifier\n \"(?:\\\\.(?:[a-z\\\\u00a1-\\\\uffff]{2,}))\" +\n \")\" +\n // port number\n \"(?::\\\\d{2,5})?\" +\n // resource path\n \"(?:/\\\\S*)?\" +\n \"$\", 'i'\n )\n };\n typeRegexes.range = typeRegexes.number;\n\n // See http://stackoverflow.com/a/10454560/8279\n var decimalPlaces = num => {\n var match = ('' + num).match(/(?:\\.(\\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\\d+))?$/);\n if (!match) { return 0; }\n return Math.max(\n 0,\n // Number of digits right of decimal point.\n (match[1] ? match[1].length : 0) -\n // Adjust for scientific notation.\n (match[2] ? +match[2] : 0));\n };\n\n ParsleyValidatorRegistry.prototype = {\n init: function (validators, catalog) {\n this.catalog = catalog;\n // Copy prototype's validators:\n this.validators = $.extend({}, this.validators);\n\n for (var name in validators)\n this.addValidator(name, validators[name].fn, validators[name].priority);\n\n window.Parsley.trigger('parsley:validator:init');\n },\n\n // Set new messages locale if we have dictionary loaded in ParsleyConfig.i18n\n setLocale: function (locale) {\n if ('undefined' === typeof this.catalog[locale])\n throw new Error(locale + ' is not available in the catalog');\n\n this.locale = locale;\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Add a new messages catalog for a given locale. Set locale for this catalog if set === `true`\n addCatalog: function (locale, messages, set) {\n if ('object' === typeof messages)\n this.catalog[locale] = messages;\n\n if (true === set)\n return this.setLocale(locale);\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Add a specific message for a given constraint in a given locale\n addMessage: function (locale, name, message) {\n if ('undefined' === typeof this.catalog[locale])\n this.catalog[locale] = {};\n\n this.catalog[locale][name] = message;\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Add messages for a given locale\n addMessages: function (locale, nameMessageObject) {\n for (var name in nameMessageObject)\n this.addMessage(locale, name, nameMessageObject[name]);\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Add a new validator\n //\n // addValidator('custom', {\n // requirementType: ['integer', 'integer'],\n // validateString: function(value, from, to) {},\n // priority: 22,\n // messages: {\n // en: \"Hey, that's no good\",\n // fr: \"Aye aye, pas bon du tout\",\n // }\n // })\n //\n // Old API was addValidator(name, function, priority)\n //\n addValidator: function (name, arg1, arg2) {\n if (this.validators[name])\n ParsleyUtils__default.warn('Validator \"' + name + '\" is already defined.');\n else if (ParsleyDefaults.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warn('\"' + name + '\" is a restricted keyword and is not a valid validator name.');\n return;\n }\n return this._setValidator(...arguments);\n },\n\n updateValidator: function (name, arg1, arg2) {\n if (!this.validators[name]) {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warn('Validator \"' + name + '\" is not already defined.');\n return this.addValidator(...arguments);\n }\n return this._setValidator(this, arguments);\n },\n\n removeValidator: function (name) {\n if (!this.validators[name])\n ParsleyUtils__default.warn('Validator \"' + name + '\" is not defined.');\n\n delete this.validators[name];\n\n return this;\n },\n\n _setValidator: function (name, validator, priority) {\n if ('object' !== typeof validator) {\n // Old style validator, with `fn` and `priority`\n validator = {\n fn: validator,\n priority: priority\n };\n }\n if (!validator.validate) {\n validator = new ParsleyValidator(validator);\n }\n this.validators[name] = validator;\n\n for (var locale in validator.messages || {})\n this.addMessage(locale, name, validator.messages[locale]);\n\n return this;\n },\n\n getErrorMessage: function (constraint) {\n var message;\n\n // Type constraints are a bit different, we have to match their requirements too to find right error message\n if ('type' === constraint.name) {\n var typeMessages = this.catalog[this.locale][constraint.name] || {};\n message = typeMessages[constraint.requirements];\n } else\n message = this.formatMessage(this.catalog[this.locale][constraint.name], constraint.requirements);\n\n return message || this.catalog[this.locale].defaultMessage || this.catalog.en.defaultMessage;\n },\n\n // Kind of light `sprintf()` implementation\n formatMessage: function (string, parameters) {\n if ('object' === typeof parameters) {\n for (var i in parameters)\n string = this.formatMessage(string, parameters[i]);\n\n return string;\n }\n\n return 'string' === typeof string ? string.replace(/%s/i, parameters) : '';\n },\n\n // Here is the Parsley default validators list.\n // A validator is an object with the following key values:\n // - priority: an integer\n // - requirement: 'string' (default), 'integer', 'number', 'regexp' or an Array of these\n // - validateString, validateMultiple, validateNumber: functions returning `true`, `false` or a promise\n // Alternatively, a validator can be a function that returns such an object\n //\n validators: {\n notblank: {\n validateString: function(value) {\n return /\\S/.test(value);\n },\n priority: 2\n },\n required: {\n validateMultiple: function(values) {\n return values.length > 0;\n },\n validateString: function(value) {\n return /\\S/.test(value);\n },\n priority: 512\n },\n type: {\n validateString: function(value, type, {step = '1', base = 0} = {}) {\n var regex = typeRegexes[type];\n if (!regex) {\n throw new Error('validator type `' + type + '` is not supported');\n }\n if (!regex.test(value))\n return false;\n if ('number' === type) {\n if (!/^any$/i.test(step || '')) {\n var nb = Number(value);\n // Be careful of rounding errors by using integers.\n var mul = Math.pow(10, Math.max(decimalPlaces(step), decimalPlaces(base)));\n if ((nb * mul - base * mul) % (step * mul) != 0)\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n },\n requirementType: {\n '': 'string',\n step: 'string',\n base: 'number'\n },\n priority: 256\n },\n pattern: {\n validateString: function(value, regexp) {\n return regexp.test(value);\n },\n requirementType: 'regexp',\n priority: 64\n },\n minlength: {\n validateString: function (value, requirement) {\n return value.length >= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'integer',\n priority: 30\n },\n maxlength: {\n validateString: function (value, requirement) {\n return value.length <= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'integer',\n priority: 30\n },\n length: {\n validateString: function (value, min, max) {\n return value.length >= min && value.length <= max;\n },\n requirementType: ['integer', 'integer'],\n priority: 30\n },\n mincheck: {\n validateMultiple: function (values, requirement) {\n return values.length >= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'integer',\n priority: 30\n },\n maxcheck: {\n validateMultiple: function (values, requirement) {\n return values.length <= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'integer',\n priority: 30\n },\n check: {\n validateMultiple: function (values, min, max) {\n return values.length >= min && values.length <= max;\n },\n requirementType: ['integer', 'integer'],\n priority: 30\n },\n min: {\n validateNumber: function (value, requirement) {\n return value >= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'number',\n priority: 30\n },\n max: {\n validateNumber: function (value, requirement) {\n return value <= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'number',\n priority: 30\n },\n range: {\n validateNumber: function (value, min, max) {\n return value >= min && value <= max;\n },\n requirementType: ['number', 'number'],\n priority: 30\n },\n equalto: {\n validateString: function (value, refOrValue) {\n var $reference = $(refOrValue);\n if ($reference.length)\n return value === $reference.val();\n else\n return value === refOrValue;\n },\n priority: 256\n }\n }\n };\n\n var ParsleyUI = function (options) {\n this.__class__ = 'ParsleyUI';\n };\n\n ParsleyUI.prototype = {\n listen: function () {\n window.Parsley\n .on('form:init', (form ) => { this.setupForm (form ); } )\n .on('field:init', (field) => { this.setupField(field); } )\n .on('field:validated', (field) => { this.reflow (field); } )\n .on('form:validated', (form ) => { this.focus (form ); } )\n .on('field:reset', (field) => { this.reset (field); } )\n .on('form:destroy', (form ) => { this.destroy (form ); } )\n .on('field:destroy', (field) => { this.destroy (field); } );\n\n return this;\n },\n\n reflow: function (fieldInstance) {\n // If this field has not an active UI (case for multiples) don't bother doing something\n if ('undefined' === typeof fieldInstance._ui || false === fieldInstance._ui.active)\n return;\n\n // Diff between two validation results\n var diff = this._diff(fieldInstance.validationResult, fieldInstance._ui.lastValidationResult);\n\n // Then store current validation result for next reflow\n fieldInstance._ui.lastValidationResult = fieldInstance.validationResult;\n\n // Handle valid / invalid / none field class\n this.manageStatusClass(fieldInstance);\n\n // Add, remove, updated errors messages\n this.manageErrorsMessages(fieldInstance, diff);\n\n // Triggers impl\n this.actualizeTriggers(fieldInstance);\n\n // If field is not valid for the first time, bind keyup trigger to ease UX and quickly inform user\n if ((diff.kept.length || diff.added.length) && true !== fieldInstance._ui.failedOnce)\n this.manageFailingFieldTrigger(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n // Returns an array of field's error message(s)\n getErrorsMessages: function (fieldInstance) {\n // No error message, field is valid\n if (true === fieldInstance.validationResult)\n return [];\n\n var messages = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < fieldInstance.validationResult.length; i++)\n messages.push(fieldInstance.validationResult[i].errorMessage ||\n this._getErrorMessage(fieldInstance, fieldInstance.validationResult[i].assert));\n\n return messages;\n },\n\n manageStatusClass: function (fieldInstance) {\n if (fieldInstance.hasConstraints() && fieldInstance.needsValidation() && true === fieldInstance.validationResult)\n this._successClass(fieldInstance);\n else if (fieldInstance.validationResult.length > 0)\n this._errorClass(fieldInstance);\n else\n this._resetClass(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n manageErrorsMessages: function (fieldInstance, diff) {\n if ('undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.options.errorsMessagesDisabled)\n return;\n\n // Case where we have errorMessage option that configure an unique field error message, regardless failing validators\n if ('undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.options.errorMessage) {\n if ((diff.added.length || diff.kept.length)) {\n this._insertErrorWrapper(fieldInstance);\n\n if (0 === fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper.find('.parsley-custom-error-message').length)\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .append(\n $(fieldInstance.options.errorTemplate)\n .addClass('parsley-custom-error-message')\n );\n\n return fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .addClass('filled')\n .find('.parsley-custom-error-message')\n .html(fieldInstance.options.errorMessage);\n }\n\n return fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .removeClass('filled')\n .find('.parsley-custom-error-message')\n .remove();\n }\n\n // Show, hide, update failing constraints messages\n for (var i = 0; i < diff.removed.length; i++)\n this.removeError(fieldInstance, diff.removed[i].assert.name, true);\n\n for (i = 0; i < diff.added.length; i++)\n this.addError(fieldInstance, diff.added[i].assert.name, diff.added[i].errorMessage, diff.added[i].assert, true);\n\n for (i = 0; i < diff.kept.length; i++)\n this.updateError(fieldInstance, diff.kept[i].assert.name, diff.kept[i].errorMessage, diff.kept[i].assert, true);\n },\n\n // TODO: strange API here, intuitive for manual usage with addError(pslyInstance, 'foo', 'bar')\n // but a little bit complex for above internal usage, with forced undefined parameter...\n addError: function (fieldInstance, name, message, assert, doNotUpdateClass) {\n this._insertErrorWrapper(fieldInstance);\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .addClass('filled')\n .append(\n $(fieldInstance.options.errorTemplate)\n .addClass('parsley-' + name)\n .html(message || this._getErrorMessage(fieldInstance, assert))\n );\n\n if (true !== doNotUpdateClass)\n this._errorClass(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n // Same as above\n updateError: function (fieldInstance, name, message, assert, doNotUpdateClass) {\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .addClass('filled')\n .find('.parsley-' + name)\n .html(message || this._getErrorMessage(fieldInstance, assert));\n\n if (true !== doNotUpdateClass)\n this._errorClass(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n // Same as above twice\n removeError: function (fieldInstance, name, doNotUpdateClass) {\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .removeClass('filled')\n .find('.parsley-' + name)\n .remove();\n\n // edge case possible here: remove a standard Parsley error that is still failing in fieldInstance.validationResult\n // but highly improbable cuz' manually removing a well Parsley handled error makes no sense.\n if (true !== doNotUpdateClass)\n this.manageStatusClass(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n focus: function (formInstance) {\n formInstance._focusedField = null;\n\n if (true === formInstance.validationResult || 'none' === formInstance.options.focus)\n return null;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < formInstance.fields.length; i++) {\n var field = formInstance.fields[i];\n if (true !== field.validationResult && field.validationResult.length > 0 && 'undefined' === typeof field.options.noFocus) {\n formInstance._focusedField = field.$element;\n if ('first' === formInstance.options.focus)\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (null === formInstance._focusedField)\n return null;\n\n return formInstance._focusedField.focus();\n },\n\n _getErrorMessage: function (fieldInstance, constraint) {\n var customConstraintErrorMessage = constraint.name + 'Message';\n\n if ('undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.options[customConstraintErrorMessage])\n return window.Parsley.formatMessage(fieldInstance.options[customConstraintErrorMessage], constraint.requirements);\n\n return window.Parsley.getErrorMessage(constraint);\n },\n\n _diff: function (newResult, oldResult, deep) {\n var added = [];\n var kept = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < newResult.length; i++) {\n var found = false;\n\n for (var j = 0; j < oldResult.length; j++)\n if (newResult[i].assert.name === oldResult[j].assert.name) {\n found = true;\n break;\n }\n\n if (found)\n kept.push(newResult[i]);\n else\n added.push(newResult[i]);\n }\n\n return {\n kept: kept,\n added: added,\n removed: !deep ? this._diff(oldResult, newResult, true).added : []\n };\n },\n\n setupForm: function (formInstance) {\n formInstance.$element.on('submit.Parsley', evt => { formInstance.onSubmitValidate(evt); });\n formInstance.$element.on('click.Parsley', 'input[type=\"submit\"], button[type=\"submit\"]', evt => { formInstance.onSubmitButton(evt); });\n\n // UI could be disabled\n if (false === formInstance.options.uiEnabled)\n return;\n\n formInstance.$element.attr('novalidate', '');\n },\n\n setupField: function (fieldInstance) {\n var _ui = {active: false};\n\n // UI could be disabled\n if (false === fieldInstance.options.uiEnabled)\n return;\n\n _ui.active = true;\n\n // Give field its Parsley id in DOM\n fieldInstance.$element.attr(fieldInstance.options.namespace + 'id', fieldInstance.__id__);\n\n /** Generate important UI elements and store them in fieldInstance **/\n // $errorClassHandler is the $element that woul have parsley-error and parsley-success classes\n _ui.$errorClassHandler = this._manageClassHandler(fieldInstance);\n\n // $errorsWrapper is a div that would contain the various field errors, it will be appended into $errorsContainer\n _ui.errorsWrapperId = 'parsley-id-' + (fieldInstance.options.multiple ? 'multiple-' + fieldInstance.options.multiple : fieldInstance.__id__);\n _ui.$errorsWrapper = $(fieldInstance.options.errorsWrapper).attr('id', _ui.errorsWrapperId);\n\n // ValidationResult UI storage to detect what have changed bwt two validations, and update DOM accordingly\n _ui.lastValidationResult = [];\n _ui.validationInformationVisible = false;\n\n // Store it in fieldInstance for later\n fieldInstance._ui = _ui;\n\n // Bind triggers first time\n this.actualizeTriggers(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n // Determine which element will have `parsley-error` and `parsley-success` classes\n _manageClassHandler: function (fieldInstance) {\n // An element selector could be passed through DOM with `data-parsley-class-handler=#foo`\n if ('string' === typeof fieldInstance.options.classHandler && $(fieldInstance.options.classHandler).length)\n return $(fieldInstance.options.classHandler);\n\n // Class handled could also be determined by function given in Parsley options\n var $handler = fieldInstance.options.classHandler(fieldInstance);\n\n // If this function returned a valid existing DOM element, go for it\n if ('undefined' !== typeof $handler && $handler.length)\n return $handler;\n\n // Otherwise, if simple element (input, texatrea, select...) it will perfectly host the classes\n if (!fieldInstance.options.multiple || fieldInstance.$element.is('select'))\n return fieldInstance.$element;\n\n // But if multiple element (radio, checkbox), that would be their parent\n return fieldInstance.$element.parent();\n },\n\n _insertErrorWrapper: function (fieldInstance) {\n var $errorsContainer;\n\n // Nothing to do if already inserted\n if (0 !== fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper.parent().length)\n return fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper.parent();\n\n if ('string' === typeof fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer) {\n if ($(fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer).length)\n return $(fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer).append(fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper);\n else\n ParsleyUtils__default.warn('The errors container `' + fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer + '` does not exist in DOM');\n } else if ('function' === typeof fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer)\n $errorsContainer = fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer(fieldInstance);\n\n if ('undefined' !== typeof $errorsContainer && $errorsContainer.length)\n return $errorsContainer.append(fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper);\n\n var $from = fieldInstance.$element;\n if (fieldInstance.options.multiple)\n $from = $from.parent();\n return $from.after(fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper);\n },\n\n actualizeTriggers: function (fieldInstance) {\n var $toBind = fieldInstance._findRelated();\n\n // Remove Parsley events already binded on this field\n $toBind.off('.Parsley');\n\n // If no trigger is set, all good\n if (false === fieldInstance.options.trigger)\n return;\n\n var triggers = fieldInstance.options.trigger.replace(/^\\s+/g , '').replace(/\\s+$/g , '');\n\n if ('' === triggers)\n return;\n\n $toBind.on(\n triggers.split(' ').join('.Parsley ') + '.Parsley',\n event => { this.eventValidate(fieldInstance, event); }\n );\n },\n\n eventValidate: function (field, event) {\n // For keyup, keypress, keydown... events that could be a little bit obstrusive\n // do not validate if val length < min threshold on first validation. Once field have been validated once and info\n // about success or failure have been displayed, always validate with this trigger to reflect every yalidation change.\n if (/key/.test(event.type))\n if (!field._ui.validationInformationVisible && field.getValue().length <= field.options.validationThreshold)\n return;\n\n field.validate();\n },\n\n manageFailingFieldTrigger: function (fieldInstance) {\n fieldInstance._ui.failedOnce = true;\n\n // Radio and checkboxes fields must bind every field multiple\n if (fieldInstance.options.multiple)\n fieldInstance._findRelated().each(function () {\n if (!/change/i.test($(this).parsley().options.trigger || ''))\n $(this).on('change.ParsleyFailedOnce', () => { fieldInstance.validate(); });\n });\n\n // Select case\n if (fieldInstance.$element.is('select'))\n if (!/change/i.test(fieldInstance.options.trigger || ''))\n return fieldInstance.$element.on('change.ParsleyFailedOnce', () => { fieldInstance.validate(); });\n\n // All other inputs fields\n if (!/keyup/i.test(fieldInstance.options.trigger || ''))\n return fieldInstance.$element.on('keyup.ParsleyFailedOnce', () => { fieldInstance.validate(); });\n },\n\n reset: function (parsleyInstance) {\n // Reset all event listeners\n this.actualizeTriggers(parsleyInstance);\n parsleyInstance.$element.off('.ParsleyFailedOnce');\n\n // Nothing to do if UI never initialized for this field\n if ('undefined' === typeof parsleyInstance._ui)\n return;\n\n if ('ParsleyForm' === parsleyInstance.__class__)\n return;\n\n // Reset all errors' li\n parsleyInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .removeClass('filled')\n .children()\n .remove();\n\n // Reset validation class\n this._resetClass(parsleyInstance);\n\n // Reset validation flags and last validation result\n parsleyInstance._ui.lastValidationResult = [];\n parsleyInstance._ui.validationInformationVisible = false;\n parsleyInstance._ui.failedOnce = false;\n },\n\n destroy: function (parsleyInstance) {\n this.reset(parsleyInstance);\n\n if ('ParsleyForm' === parsleyInstance.__class__)\n return;\n\n if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyInstance._ui)\n parsleyInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper.remove();\n\n delete parsleyInstance._ui;\n },\n\n _successClass: function (fieldInstance) {\n fieldInstance._ui.validationInformationVisible = true;\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorClassHandler.removeClass(fieldInstance.options.errorClass).addClass(fieldInstance.options.successClass);\n },\n _errorClass: function (fieldInstance) {\n fieldInstance._ui.validationInformationVisible = true;\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorClassHandler.removeClass(fieldInstance.options.successClass).addClass(fieldInstance.options.errorClass);\n },\n _resetClass: function (fieldInstance) {\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorClassHandler.removeClass(fieldInstance.options.successClass).removeClass(fieldInstance.options.errorClass);\n }\n };\n\n var ParsleyForm = function (element, domOptions, options) {\n this.__class__ = 'ParsleyForm';\n this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils__default.generateID();\n\n this.$element = $(element);\n this.domOptions = domOptions;\n this.options = options;\n this.parent = window.Parsley;\n\n this.fields = [];\n this.validationResult = null;\n };\n\n var ParsleyForm__statusMapping = {pending: null, resolved: true, rejected: false};\n\n ParsleyForm.prototype = {\n onSubmitValidate: function (event) {\n // This is a Parsley generated submit event, do not validate, do not prevent, simply exit and keep normal behavior\n if (true === event.parsley)\n return;\n\n // If we didn't come here through a submit button, use the first one in the form\n this._$submitSource = this._$submitSource || this.$element.find('input[type=\"submit\"], button[type=\"submit\"]').first();\n\n if (this._$submitSource.is('[formnovalidate]')) {\n this._$submitSource = null;\n return;\n }\n\n // Because some validations might be asynchroneous,\n // we cancel this submit and will fake it after validation.\n event.stopImmediatePropagation();\n event.preventDefault();\n\n this.whenValidate({event})\n .done(() => { this._submit(); })\n .always(() => { this._$submitSource = null; });\n\n return this;\n },\n\n onSubmitButton: function(event) {\n this._$submitSource = $(event.target);\n },\n // internal\n // _submit submits the form, this time without going through the validations.\n // Care must be taken to \"fake\" the actual submit button being clicked.\n _submit: function () {\n if (false === this._trigger('submit'))\n return;\n this.$element.find('.parsley_synthetic_submit_button').remove();\n // Add submit button's data\n if (this._$submitSource) {\n $('')\n .attr('name', this._$submitSource.attr('name'))\n .attr('value', this._$submitSource.attr('value'))\n .appendTo(this.$element);\n }\n //\n this.$element.trigger($.extend($.Event('submit'), {parsley: true}));\n },\n\n // Performs validation on fields while triggering events.\n // @returns `true` if all validations succeeds, `false`\n // if a failure is immediately detected, or `null`\n // if dependant on a promise.\n // Consider using `whenValidate` instead.\n validate: function (options) {\n if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warnOnce('Calling validate on a parsley form without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');\n var [group, force, event] = arguments;\n options = {group, force, event};\n }\n return ParsleyForm__statusMapping[ this.whenValidate(options).state() ];\n },\n\n whenValidate: function ({group, force, event} = {}) {\n this.submitEvent = event;\n if (event) {\n this.submitEvent.preventDefault = () => {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warnOnce(\"Using `this.submitEvent.preventDefault()` is deprecated; instead, call `this.validationResult = false`\");\n this.validationResult = false;\n };\n }\n this.validationResult = true;\n\n // fire validate event to eventually modify things before very validation\n this._trigger('validate');\n\n // Refresh form DOM options and form's fields that could have changed\n this._refreshFields();\n\n var promises = this._withoutReactualizingFormOptions(() => {\n return $.map(this.fields, field => {\n return field.whenValidate({force, group});\n });\n });\n\n var promiseBasedOnValidationResult = () => {\n var r = $.Deferred();\n if (false === this.validationResult)\n r.reject();\n return r.resolve().promise();\n };\n\n return $.when(...promises)\n .done( () => { this._trigger('success'); })\n .fail( () => { this.validationResult = false; this._trigger('error'); })\n .always(() => { this._trigger('validated'); })\n .pipe( promiseBasedOnValidationResult, promiseBasedOnValidationResult);\n },\n\n // Iterate over refreshed fields, and stop on first failure.\n // Returns `true` if all fields are valid, `false` if a failure is detected\n // or `null` if the result depends on an unresolved promise.\n // Prefer using `whenValid` instead.\n isValid: function (options) {\n if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warnOnce('Calling isValid on a parsley form without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');\n var [group, force] = arguments;\n options = {group, force};\n }\n return ParsleyForm__statusMapping[ this.whenValid(options).state() ];\n },\n\n // Iterate over refreshed fields and validate them.\n // Returns a promise.\n // A validation that immediately fails will interrupt the validations.\n whenValid: function ({group, force} = {}) {\n this._refreshFields();\n\n var promises = this._withoutReactualizingFormOptions(() => {\n return $.map(this.fields, field => {\n return field.whenValid({group, force});\n });\n });\n return $.when(...promises);\n },\n\n _refreshFields: function () {\n return this.actualizeOptions()._bindFields();\n },\n\n _bindFields: function () {\n var oldFields = this.fields;\n\n this.fields = [];\n this.fieldsMappedById = {};\n\n this._withoutReactualizingFormOptions(() => {\n this.$element\n .find(this.options.inputs)\n .not(this.options.excluded)\n .each((_, element) => {\n var fieldInstance = new window.Parsley.Factory(element, {}, this);\n\n // Only add valid and not excluded `ParsleyField` and `ParsleyFieldMultiple` children\n if (('ParsleyField' === fieldInstance.__class__ || 'ParsleyFieldMultiple' === fieldInstance.__class__) && (true !== fieldInstance.options.excluded))\n if ('undefined' === typeof this.fieldsMappedById[fieldInstance.__class__ + '-' + fieldInstance.__id__]) {\n this.fieldsMappedById[fieldInstance.__class__ + '-' + fieldInstance.__id__] = fieldInstance;\n this.fields.push(fieldInstance);\n }\n });\n\n $(oldFields).not(this.fields).each((_, field) => {\n field._trigger('reset');\n });\n });\n return this;\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Looping on a form's fields to do validation or similar\n // will trigger reactualizing options on all of them, which\n // in turn will reactualize the form's options.\n // To avoid calling actualizeOptions so many times on the form\n // for nothing, _withoutReactualizingFormOptions temporarily disables\n // the method actualizeOptions on this form while `fn` is called.\n _withoutReactualizingFormOptions: function (fn) {\n var oldActualizeOptions = this.actualizeOptions;\n this.actualizeOptions = function () { return this; };\n var result = fn();\n this.actualizeOptions = oldActualizeOptions;\n return result;\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Shortcut to trigger an event\n // Returns true iff event is not interrupted and default not prevented.\n _trigger: function (eventName) {\n return this.trigger('form:' + eventName);\n }\n\n };\n\n var ConstraintFactory = function (parsleyField, name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint) {\n if (!/ParsleyField/.test(parsleyField.__class__))\n throw new Error('ParsleyField or ParsleyFieldMultiple instance expected');\n\n var validatorSpec = window.Parsley._validatorRegistry.validators[name];\n var validator = new ParsleyValidator(validatorSpec);\n\n $.extend(this, {\n validator: validator,\n name: name,\n requirements: requirements,\n priority: priority || parsleyField.options[name + 'Priority'] || validator.priority,\n isDomConstraint: true === isDomConstraint\n });\n this._parseRequirements(parsleyField.options);\n };\n\n var capitalize = function(str) {\n var cap = str[0].toUpperCase();\n return cap + str.slice(1);\n };\n\n ConstraintFactory.prototype = {\n validate: function(value, instance) {\n var args = this.requirementList.slice(0); // Make copy\n args.unshift(value);\n args.push(instance);\n return this.validator.validate.apply(this.validator, args);\n },\n\n _parseRequirements: function(options) {\n this.requirementList = this.validator.parseRequirements(this.requirements, key => {\n return options[this.name + capitalize(key)];\n });\n }\n };\n\n var ParsleyField = function (field, domOptions, options, parsleyFormInstance) {\n this.__class__ = 'ParsleyField';\n this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils__default.generateID();\n\n this.$element = $(field);\n\n // Set parent if we have one\n if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance) {\n this.parent = parsleyFormInstance;\n }\n\n this.options = options;\n this.domOptions = domOptions;\n\n // Initialize some properties\n this.constraints = [];\n this.constraintsByName = {};\n this.validationResult = [];\n\n // Bind constraints\n this._bindConstraints();\n };\n\n var parsley_field__statusMapping = {pending: null, resolved: true, rejected: false};\n\n ParsleyField.prototype = {\n // # Public API\n // Validate field and trigger some events for mainly `ParsleyUI`\n // @returns `true`, an array of the validators that failed, or\n // `null` if validation is not finished. Prefer using whenValidate\n validate: function (options) {\n if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warnOnce('Calling validate on a parsley field without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');\n options = {options};\n }\n var promise = this.whenValidate(options);\n if (!promise) // If excluded with `group` option\n return true;\n switch (promise.state()) {\n case 'pending': return null;\n case 'resolved': return true;\n case 'rejected': return this.validationResult;\n }\n },\n\n // Validate field and trigger some events for mainly `ParsleyUI`\n // @returns a promise that succeeds only when all validations do\n // or `undefined` if field is not in the given `group`.\n whenValidate: function ({force, group} = {}) {\n // do not validate a field if not the same as given validation group\n this.refreshConstraints();\n if (group && !this._isInGroup(group))\n return;\n\n this.value = this.getValue();\n\n // Field Validate event. `this.value` could be altered for custom needs\n this._trigger('validate');\n\n return this.whenValid({force, value: this.value, _refreshed: true})\n .done(() => { this._trigger('success'); })\n .fail(() => { this._trigger('error'); })\n .always(() => { this._trigger('validated'); });\n },\n\n hasConstraints: function () {\n return 0 !== this.constraints.length;\n },\n\n // An empty optional field does not need validation\n needsValidation: function (value) {\n if ('undefined' === typeof value)\n value = this.getValue();\n\n // If a field is empty and not required, it is valid\n // Except if `data-parsley-validate-if-empty` explicitely added, useful for some custom validators\n if (!value.length && !this._isRequired() && 'undefined' === typeof this.options.validateIfEmpty)\n return false;\n\n return true;\n },\n\n _isInGroup: function (group) {\n if ($.isArray(this.options.group))\n return -1 !== $.inArray(group, this.options.group);\n return this.options.group === group;\n },\n\n // Just validate field. Do not trigger any event.\n // Returns `true` iff all constraints pass, `false` if there are failures,\n // or `null` if the result can not be determined yet (depends on a promise)\n // See also `whenValid`.\n isValid: function (options) {\n if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warnOnce('Calling isValid on a parsley field without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');\n var [force, value] = arguments;\n options = {force, value};\n }\n var promise = this.whenValid(options);\n if (!promise) // Excluded via `group`\n return true;\n return parsley_field__statusMapping[promise.state()];\n },\n\n // Just validate field. Do not trigger any event.\n // @returns a promise that succeeds only when all validations do\n // or `undefined` if the field is not in the given `group`.\n // The argument `force` will force validation of empty fields.\n // If a `value` is given, it will be validated instead of the value of the input.\n whenValid: function ({force = false, value, group, _refreshed} = {}) {\n // Recompute options and rebind constraints to have latest changes\n if (!_refreshed)\n this.refreshConstraints();\n // do not validate a field if not the same as given validation group\n if (group && !this._isInGroup(group))\n return;\n\n this.validationResult = true;\n\n // A field without constraint is valid\n if (!this.hasConstraints())\n return $.when();\n\n // Value could be passed as argument, needed to add more power to 'parsley:field:validate'\n if ('undefined' === typeof value || null === value)\n value = this.getValue();\n\n if (!this.needsValidation(value) && true !== force)\n return $.when();\n\n var groupedConstraints = this._getGroupedConstraints();\n var promises = [];\n $.each(groupedConstraints, (_, constraints) => {\n // Process one group of constraints at a time, we validate the constraints\n // and combine the promises together.\n var promise = $.when(\n ...$.map(constraints, constraint => this._validateConstraint(value, constraint))\n );\n promises.push(promise);\n if (promise.state() === 'rejected')\n return false; // Interrupt processing if a group has already failed\n });\n return $.when.apply($, promises);\n },\n\n // @returns a promise\n _validateConstraint: function(value, constraint) {\n var result = constraint.validate(value, this);\n // Map false to a failed promise\n if (false === result)\n result = $.Deferred().reject();\n // Make sure we return a promise and that we record failures\n return $.when(result).fail(errorMessage => {\n if (true === this.validationResult)\n this.validationResult = [];\n this.validationResult.push({\n assert: constraint,\n errorMessage: 'string' === typeof errorMessage && errorMessage\n });\n });\n },\n\n // @returns Parsley field computed value that could be overrided or configured in DOM\n getValue: function () {\n var value;\n\n // Value could be overriden in DOM or with explicit options\n if ('function' === typeof this.options.value)\n value = this.options.value(this);\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.value)\n value = this.options.value;\n else\n value = this.$element.val();\n\n // Handle wrong DOM or configurations\n if ('undefined' === typeof value || null === value)\n return '';\n\n return this._handleWhitespace(value);\n },\n\n // Actualize options that could have change since previous validation\n // Re-bind accordingly constraints (could be some new, removed or updated)\n refreshConstraints: function () {\n return this.actualizeOptions()._bindConstraints();\n },\n\n /**\n * Add a new constraint to a field\n *\n * @param {String} name\n * @param {Mixed} requirements optional\n * @param {Number} priority optional\n * @param {Boolean} isDomConstraint optional\n */\n addConstraint: function (name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint) {\n\n if (window.Parsley._validatorRegistry.validators[name]) {\n var constraint = new ConstraintFactory(this, name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint);\n\n // if constraint already exist, delete it and push new version\n if ('undefined' !== this.constraintsByName[constraint.name])\n this.removeConstraint(constraint.name);\n\n this.constraints.push(constraint);\n this.constraintsByName[constraint.name] = constraint;\n }\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Remove a constraint\n removeConstraint: function (name) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++)\n if (name === this.constraints[i].name) {\n this.constraints.splice(i, 1);\n break;\n }\n delete this.constraintsByName[name];\n return this;\n },\n\n // Update a constraint (Remove + re-add)\n updateConstraint: function (name, parameters, priority) {\n return this.removeConstraint(name)\n .addConstraint(name, parameters, priority);\n },\n\n // # Internals\n\n // Internal only.\n // Bind constraints from config + options + DOM\n _bindConstraints: function () {\n var constraints = [];\n var constraintsByName = {};\n\n // clean all existing DOM constraints to only keep javascript user constraints\n for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++)\n if (false === this.constraints[i].isDomConstraint) {\n constraints.push(this.constraints[i]);\n constraintsByName[this.constraints[i].name] = this.constraints[i];\n }\n\n this.constraints = constraints;\n this.constraintsByName = constraintsByName;\n\n // then re-add Parsley DOM-API constraints\n for (var name in this.options)\n this.addConstraint(name, this.options[name], undefined, true);\n\n // finally, bind special HTML5 constraints\n return this._bindHtml5Constraints();\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Bind specific HTML5 constraints to be HTML5 compliant\n _bindHtml5Constraints: function () {\n // html5 required\n if (this.$element.hasClass('required') || this.$element.attr('required'))\n this.addConstraint('required', true, undefined, true);\n\n // html5 pattern\n if ('string' === typeof this.$element.attr('pattern'))\n this.addConstraint('pattern', this.$element.attr('pattern'), undefined, true);\n\n // range\n if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('min') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('max'))\n this.addConstraint('range', [this.$element.attr('min'), this.$element.attr('max')], undefined, true);\n\n // HTML5 min\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('min'))\n this.addConstraint('min', this.$element.attr('min'), undefined, true);\n\n // HTML5 max\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('max'))\n this.addConstraint('max', this.$element.attr('max'), undefined, true);\n\n\n // length\n if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('minlength') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('maxlength'))\n this.addConstraint('length', [this.$element.attr('minlength'), this.$element.attr('maxlength')], undefined, true);\n\n // HTML5 minlength\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('minlength'))\n this.addConstraint('minlength', this.$element.attr('minlength'), undefined, true);\n\n // HTML5 maxlength\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('maxlength'))\n this.addConstraint('maxlength', this.$element.attr('maxlength'), undefined, true);\n\n\n // html5 types\n var type = this.$element.attr('type');\n\n if ('undefined' === typeof type)\n return this;\n\n // Small special case here for HTML5 number: integer validator if step attribute is undefined or an integer value, number otherwise\n if ('number' === type) {\n return this.addConstraint('type', ['number', {\n step: this.$element.attr('step'),\n base: this.$element.attr('min') || this.$element.attr('value')\n }], undefined, true);\n // Regular other HTML5 supported types\n } else if (/^(email|url|range)$/i.test(type)) {\n return this.addConstraint('type', type, undefined, true);\n }\n return this;\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Field is required if have required constraint without `false` value\n _isRequired: function () {\n if ('undefined' === typeof this.constraintsByName.required)\n return false;\n\n return false !== this.constraintsByName.required.requirements;\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Shortcut to trigger an event\n _trigger: function (eventName) {\n return this.trigger('field:' + eventName);\n },\n\n // Internal only\n // Handles whitespace in a value\n // Use `data-parsley-whitespace=\"squish\"` to auto squish input value\n // Use `data-parsley-whitespace=\"trim\"` to auto trim input value\n _handleWhitespace: function (value) {\n if (true === this.options.trimValue)\n ParsleyUtils__default.warnOnce('data-parsley-trim-value=\"true\" is deprecated, please use data-parsley-whitespace=\"trim\"');\n\n if ('squish' === this.options.whitespace)\n value = value.replace(/\\s{2,}/g, ' ');\n\n if (('trim' === this.options.whitespace) || ('squish' === this.options.whitespace) || (true === this.options.trimValue))\n value = ParsleyUtils__default.trimString(value);\n\n return value;\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Returns the constraints, grouped by descending priority.\n // The result is thus an array of arrays of constraints.\n _getGroupedConstraints: function () {\n if (false === this.options.priorityEnabled)\n return [this.constraints];\n\n var groupedConstraints = [];\n var index = {};\n\n // Create array unique of priorities\n for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++) {\n var p = this.constraints[i].priority;\n if (!index[p])\n groupedConstraints.push(index[p] = []);\n index[p].push(this.constraints[i]);\n }\n // Sort them by priority DESC\n groupedConstraints.sort(function (a, b) { return b[0].priority - a[0].priority; });\n\n return groupedConstraints;\n }\n\n };\n\n var parsley_field = ParsleyField;\n\n var ParsleyMultiple = function () {\n this.__class__ = 'ParsleyFieldMultiple';\n };\n\n ParsleyMultiple.prototype = {\n // Add new `$element` sibling for multiple field\n addElement: function ($element) {\n this.$elements.push($element);\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // See `ParsleyField.refreshConstraints()`\n refreshConstraints: function () {\n var fieldConstraints;\n\n this.constraints = [];\n\n // Select multiple special treatment\n if (this.$element.is('select')) {\n this.actualizeOptions()._bindConstraints();\n\n return this;\n }\n\n // Gather all constraints for each input in the multiple group\n for (var i = 0; i < this.$elements.length; i++) {\n\n // Check if element have not been dynamically removed since last binding\n if (!$('html').has(this.$elements[i]).length) {\n this.$elements.splice(i, 1);\n continue;\n }\n\n fieldConstraints = this.$elements[i].data('ParsleyFieldMultiple').refreshConstraints().constraints;\n\n for (var j = 0; j < fieldConstraints.length; j++)\n this.addConstraint(fieldConstraints[j].name, fieldConstraints[j].requirements, fieldConstraints[j].priority, fieldConstraints[j].isDomConstraint);\n }\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // See `ParsleyField.getValue()`\n getValue: function () {\n // Value could be overriden in DOM\n if ('function' === typeof this.options.value)\n value = this.options.value(this);\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.value)\n return this.options.value;\n\n // Radio input case\n if (this.$element.is('input[type=radio]'))\n return this._findRelated().filter(':checked').val() || '';\n\n // checkbox input case\n if (this.$element.is('input[type=checkbox]')) {\n var values = [];\n\n this._findRelated().filter(':checked').each(function () {\n values.push($(this).val());\n });\n\n return values;\n }\n\n // Select multiple case\n if (this.$element.is('select') && null === this.$element.val())\n return [];\n\n // Default case that should never happen\n return this.$element.val();\n },\n\n _init: function () {\n this.$elements = [this.$element];\n\n return this;\n }\n };\n\n var ParsleyFactory = function (element, options, parsleyFormInstance) {\n this.$element = $(element);\n\n // If the element has already been bound, returns its saved Parsley instance\n var savedparsleyFormInstance = this.$element.data('Parsley');\n if (savedparsleyFormInstance) {\n\n // If the saved instance has been bound without a ParsleyForm parent and there is one given in this call, add it\n if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance && savedparsleyFormInstance.parent === window.Parsley) {\n savedparsleyFormInstance.parent = parsleyFormInstance;\n savedparsleyFormInstance._resetOptions(savedparsleyFormInstance.options);\n }\n\n return savedparsleyFormInstance;\n }\n\n // Parsley must be instantiated with a DOM element or jQuery $element\n if (!this.$element.length)\n throw new Error('You must bind Parsley on an existing element.');\n\n if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance && 'ParsleyForm' !== parsleyFormInstance.__class__)\n throw new Error('Parent instance must be a ParsleyForm instance');\n\n this.parent = parsleyFormInstance || window.Parsley;\n return this.init(options);\n };\n\n ParsleyFactory.prototype = {\n init: function (options) {\n this.__class__ = 'Parsley';\n this.__version__ = '@@version';\n this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils__default.generateID();\n\n // Pre-compute options\n this._resetOptions(options);\n\n // A ParsleyForm instance is obviously a `
    ` element but also every node that is not an input and has the `data-parsley-validate` attribute\n if (this.$element.is('form') || (ParsleyUtils__default.checkAttr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, 'validate') && !this.$element.is(this.options.inputs)))\n return this.bind('parsleyForm');\n\n // Every other element is bound as a `ParsleyField` or `ParsleyFieldMultiple`\n return this.isMultiple() ? this.handleMultiple() : this.bind('parsleyField');\n },\n\n isMultiple: function () {\n return (this.$element.is('input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]')) || (this.$element.is('select') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('multiple'));\n },\n\n // Multiples fields are a real nightmare :(\n // Maybe some refactoring would be appreciated here...\n handleMultiple: function () {\n var name;\n var multiple;\n var parsleyMultipleInstance;\n\n // Handle multiple name\n if (this.options.multiple)\n ; // We already have our 'multiple' identifier\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('name') && this.$element.attr('name').length)\n this.options.multiple = name = this.$element.attr('name');\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('id') && this.$element.attr('id').length)\n this.options.multiple = this.$element.attr('id');\n\n // Special select multiple input\n if (this.$element.is('select') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('multiple')) {\n this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple || this.__id__;\n return this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple');\n\n // Else for radio / checkboxes, we need a `name` or `data-parsley-multiple` to properly bind it\n } else if (!this.options.multiple) {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warn('To be bound by Parsley, a radio, a checkbox and a multiple select input must have either a name or a multiple option.', this.$element);\n return this;\n }\n\n // Remove special chars\n this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple.replace(/(:|\\.|\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}|\\$)/g, '');\n\n // Add proper `data-parsley-multiple` to siblings if we have a valid multiple name\n if ('undefined' !== typeof name) {\n $('input[name=\"' + name + '\"]').each((i, input) => {\n if ($(input).is('input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]'))\n $(input).attr(this.options.namespace + 'multiple', this.options.multiple);\n });\n }\n\n // Check here if we don't already have a related multiple instance saved\n var $previouslyRelated = this._findRelated();\n for (var i = 0; i < $previouslyRelated.length; i++) {\n parsleyMultipleInstance = $($previouslyRelated.get(i)).data('Parsley');\n if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyMultipleInstance) {\n\n if (!this.$element.data('ParsleyFieldMultiple')) {\n parsleyMultipleInstance.addElement(this.$element);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n\n // Create a secret ParsleyField instance for every multiple field. It will be stored in `data('ParsleyFieldMultiple')`\n // And will be useful later to access classic `ParsleyField` stuff while being in a `ParsleyFieldMultiple` instance\n this.bind('parsleyField', true);\n\n return parsleyMultipleInstance || this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple');\n },\n\n // Return proper `ParsleyForm`, `ParsleyField` or `ParsleyFieldMultiple`\n bind: function (type, doNotStore) {\n var parsleyInstance;\n\n switch (type) {\n case 'parsleyForm':\n parsleyInstance = $.extend(\n new ParsleyForm(this.$element, this.domOptions, this.options),\n window.ParsleyExtend\n )._bindFields();\n break;\n case 'parsleyField':\n parsleyInstance = $.extend(\n new parsley_field(this.$element, this.domOptions, this.options, this.parent),\n window.ParsleyExtend\n );\n break;\n case 'parsleyFieldMultiple':\n parsleyInstance = $.extend(\n new parsley_field(this.$element, this.domOptions, this.options, this.parent),\n new ParsleyMultiple(),\n window.ParsleyExtend\n )._init();\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error(type + 'is not a supported Parsley type');\n }\n\n if (this.options.multiple)\n ParsleyUtils__default.setAttr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, 'multiple', this.options.multiple);\n\n if ('undefined' !== typeof doNotStore) {\n this.$element.data('ParsleyFieldMultiple', parsleyInstance);\n\n return parsleyInstance;\n }\n\n // Store the freshly bound instance in a DOM element for later access using jQuery `data()`\n this.$element.data('Parsley', parsleyInstance);\n\n // Tell the world we have a new ParsleyForm or ParsleyField instance!\n parsleyInstance._trigger('init');\n\n return parsleyInstance;\n }\n };\n\n var vernums = $.fn.jquery.split('.');\n if (parseInt(vernums[0]) <= 1 && parseInt(vernums[1]) < 8) {\n throw \"The loaded version of jQuery is too old. Please upgrade to 1.8.x or better.\";\n }\n if (!vernums.forEach) {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warn('Parsley requires ES5 to run properly. Please include https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim');\n }\n // Inherit `on`, `off` & `trigger` to Parsley:\n var Parsley = $.extend(new ParsleyAbstract(), {\n $element: $(document),\n actualizeOptions: null,\n _resetOptions: null,\n Factory: ParsleyFactory,\n version: '@@version'\n });\n\n // Supplement ParsleyField and Form with ParsleyAbstract\n // This way, the constructors will have access to those methods\n $.extend(parsley_field.prototype, ParsleyAbstract.prototype);\n $.extend(ParsleyForm.prototype, ParsleyAbstract.prototype);\n // Inherit actualizeOptions and _resetOptions:\n $.extend(ParsleyFactory.prototype, ParsleyAbstract.prototype);\n\n // ### jQuery API\n // `$('.elem').parsley(options)` or `$('.elem').psly(options)`\n $.fn.parsley = $.fn.psly = function (options) {\n if (this.length > 1) {\n var instances = [];\n\n this.each(function () {\n instances.push($(this).parsley(options));\n });\n\n return instances;\n }\n\n // Return undefined if applied to non existing DOM element\n if (!$(this).length) {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warn('You must bind Parsley on an existing element.');\n\n return;\n }\n\n return new ParsleyFactory(this, options);\n };\n\n // ### ParsleyField and ParsleyForm extension\n // Ensure the extension is now defined if it wasn't previously\n if ('undefined' === typeof window.ParsleyExtend)\n window.ParsleyExtend = {};\n\n // ### Parsley config\n // Inherit from ParsleyDefault, and copy over any existing values\n Parsley.options = $.extend(ParsleyUtils__default.objectCreate(ParsleyDefaults), window.ParsleyConfig);\n window.ParsleyConfig = Parsley.options; // Old way of accessing global options\n\n // ### Globals\n window.Parsley = window.psly = Parsley;\n window.ParsleyUtils = ParsleyUtils__default;\n\n // ### Define methods that forward to the registry, and deprecate all access except through window.Parsley\n var registry = window.Parsley._validatorRegistry = new ParsleyValidatorRegistry(window.ParsleyConfig.validators, window.ParsleyConfig.i18n);\n window.ParsleyValidator = {};\n $.each('setLocale addCatalog addMessage addMessages getErrorMessage formatMessage addValidator updateValidator removeValidator'.split(' '), function (i, method) {\n window.Parsley[method] = $.proxy(registry, method);\n window.ParsleyValidator[method] = function () {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warnOnce(`Accessing the method '${method}' through ParsleyValidator is deprecated. Simply call 'window.Parsley.${method}(...)'`);\n return window.Parsley[method](...arguments);\n };\n });\n\n // ### ParsleyUI\n // UI is a separate class that only listens to some events and then modifies the DOM accordingly\n // Could be overriden by defining a `window.ParsleyConfig.ParsleyUI` appropriate class (with `listen()` method basically)\n window.ParsleyUI = 'function' === typeof window.ParsleyConfig.ParsleyUI ?\n new window.ParsleyConfig.ParsleyUI().listen() : new ParsleyUI().listen();\n\n // ### PARSLEY auto-binding\n // Prevent it by setting `ParsleyConfig.autoBind` to `false`\n if (false !== window.ParsleyConfig.autoBind) {\n $(function () {\n // Works only on `data-parsley-validate`.\n if ($('[data-parsley-validate]').length)\n $('[data-parsley-validate]').parsley();\n });\n }\n\n var o = $({});\n var deprecated = function () {\n ParsleyUtils__default.warnOnce(\"Parsley's pubsub module is deprecated; use the 'on' and 'off' methods on parsley instances or window.Parsley\");\n };\n\n // Returns an event handler that calls `fn` with the arguments it expects\n function adapt(fn, context) {\n // Store to allow unbinding\n if (!fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback) {\n fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback = function () {\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n args.unshift(this);\n fn.apply(context || o, args);\n };\n }\n return fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback;\n }\n\n var eventPrefix = 'parsley:';\n // Converts 'parsley:form:validate' into 'form:validate'\n function eventName(name) {\n if (name.lastIndexOf(eventPrefix, 0) === 0)\n return name.substr(eventPrefix.length);\n return name;\n }\n\n // $.listen is deprecated. Use Parsley.on instead.\n $.listen = function (name, callback) {\n var context;\n deprecated();\n if ('object' === typeof arguments[1] && 'function' === typeof arguments[2]) {\n context = arguments[1];\n callback = arguments[2];\n }\n\n if ('function' !== typeof callback)\n throw new Error('Wrong parameters');\n\n window.Parsley.on(eventName(name), adapt(callback, context));\n };\n\n $.listenTo = function (instance, name, fn) {\n deprecated();\n if (!(instance instanceof parsley_field) && !(instance instanceof ParsleyForm))\n throw new Error('Must give Parsley instance');\n\n if ('string' !== typeof name || 'function' !== typeof fn)\n throw new Error('Wrong parameters');\n\n instance.on(eventName(name), adapt(fn));\n };\n\n $.unsubscribe = function (name, fn) {\n deprecated();\n if ('string' !== typeof name || 'function' !== typeof fn)\n throw new Error('Wrong arguments');\n window.Parsley.off(eventName(name), fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback);\n };\n\n $.unsubscribeTo = function (instance, name) {\n deprecated();\n if (!(instance instanceof parsley_field) && !(instance instanceof ParsleyForm))\n throw new Error('Must give Parsley instance');\n instance.off(eventName(name));\n };\n\n $.unsubscribeAll = function (name) {\n deprecated();\n window.Parsley.off(eventName(name));\n $('form,input,textarea,select').each(function () {\n var instance = $(this).data('Parsley');\n if (instance) {\n instance.off(eventName(name));\n }\n });\n };\n\n // $.emit is deprecated. Use jQuery events instead.\n $.emit = function (name, instance) {\n deprecated();\n var instanceGiven = (instance instanceof parsley_field) || (instance instanceof ParsleyForm);\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, instanceGiven ? 2 : 1);\n args.unshift(eventName(name));\n if (!instanceGiven) {\n instance = window.Parsley;\n }\n instance.trigger(...args);\n };\n\n var pubsub = {};\n\n $.extend(true, Parsley, {\n asyncValidators: {\n 'default': {\n fn: function (xhr) {\n // By default, only status 2xx are deemed successful.\n // Note: we use status instead of state() because responses with status 200\n // but invalid messages (e.g. an empty body for content type set to JSON) will\n // result in state() === 'rejected'.\n return xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300;\n },\n url: false\n },\n reverse: {\n fn: function (xhr) {\n // If reverse option is set, a failing ajax request is considered successful\n return xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300;\n },\n url: false\n }\n },\n\n addAsyncValidator: function (name, fn, url, options) {\n Parsley.asyncValidators[name] = {\n fn: fn,\n url: url || false,\n options: options || {}\n };\n\n return this;\n }\n\n });\n\n Parsley.addValidator('remote', {\n requirementType: {\n '': 'string',\n 'validator': 'string',\n 'reverse': 'boolean',\n 'options': 'object'\n },\n\n validateString: function (value, url, options, instance) {\n var data = {};\n var ajaxOptions;\n var csr;\n var validator = options.validator || (true === options.reverse ? 'reverse' : 'default');\n\n if ('undefined' === typeof Parsley.asyncValidators[validator])\n throw new Error('Calling an undefined async validator: `' + validator + '`');\n\n url = Parsley.asyncValidators[validator].url || url;\n\n // Fill current value\n if (url.indexOf('{value}') > -1) {\n url = url.replace('{value}', encodeURIComponent(value));\n } else {\n data[instance.$element.attr('name') || instance.$element.attr('id')] = value;\n }\n\n // Merge options passed in from the function with the ones in the attribute\n var remoteOptions = $.extend(true, options.options || {} , Parsley.asyncValidators[validator].options);\n\n // All `$.ajax(options)` could be overridden or extended directly from DOM in `data-parsley-remote-options`\n ajaxOptions = $.extend(true, {}, {\n url: url,\n data: data,\n type: 'GET'\n }, remoteOptions);\n\n // Generate store key based on ajax options\n instance.trigger('field:ajaxoptions', instance, ajaxOptions);\n\n csr = $.param(ajaxOptions);\n\n // Initialise querry cache\n if ('undefined' === typeof Parsley._remoteCache)\n Parsley._remoteCache = {};\n\n // Try to retrieve stored xhr\n var xhr = Parsley._remoteCache[csr] = Parsley._remoteCache[csr] || $.ajax(ajaxOptions);\n\n var handleXhr = function () {\n var result = Parsley.asyncValidators[validator].fn.call(instance, xhr, url, options);\n if (!result) // Map falsy results to rejected promise\n result = $.Deferred().reject();\n return $.when(result);\n };\n\n return xhr.then(handleXhr, handleXhr);\n },\n\n priority: -1\n });\n\n Parsley.on('form:submit', function () {\n Parsley._remoteCache = {};\n });\n\n window.ParsleyExtend.addAsyncValidator = function () {\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce('Accessing the method `addAsyncValidator` through an instance is deprecated. Simply call `Parsley.addAsyncValidator(...)`');\n return Parsley.addAsyncValidator(...arguments);\n };\n\n // This is included with the Parsley library itself,\n // thus there is no use in adding it to your project.\n Parsley.addMessages('en', {\n defaultMessage: \"This value seems to be invalid.\",\n type: {\n email: \"This value should be a valid email.\",\n url: \"This value should be a valid url.\",\n number: \"This value should be a valid number.\",\n integer: \"This value should be a valid integer.\",\n digits: \"This value should be digits.\",\n alphanum: \"This value should be alphanumeric.\"\n },\n notblank: \"This value should not be blank.\",\n required: \"This value is required.\",\n pattern: \"This value seems to be invalid.\",\n min: \"This value should be greater than or equal to %s.\",\n max: \"This value should be lower than or equal to %s.\",\n range: \"This value should be between %s and %s.\",\n minlength: \"This value is too short. It should have %s characters or more.\",\n maxlength: \"This value is too long. It should have %s characters or fewer.\",\n length: \"This value length is invalid. It should be between %s and %s characters long.\",\n mincheck: \"You must select at least %s choices.\",\n maxcheck: \"You must select %s choices or fewer.\",\n check: \"You must select between %s and %s choices.\",\n equalto: \"This value should be the same.\"\n });\n\n Parsley.setLocale('en');\n\n var parsley = Parsley;\n\n return parsley;\n\n}));\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport ParsleyField from './field';\nimport ParsleyForm from './form';\nimport ParsleyUtils from './utils';\n\nvar o = $({});\nvar deprecated = function () {\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce(\"Parsley's pubsub module is deprecated; use the 'on' and 'off' methods on parsley instances or window.Parsley\");\n};\n\n// Returns an event handler that calls `fn` with the arguments it expects\nfunction adapt(fn, context) {\n // Store to allow unbinding\n if (!fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback) {\n fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback = function () {\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n args.unshift(this);\n fn.apply(context || o, args);\n };\n }\n return fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback;\n}\n\nvar eventPrefix = 'parsley:';\n// Converts 'parsley:form:validate' into 'form:validate'\nfunction eventName(name) {\n if (name.lastIndexOf(eventPrefix, 0) === 0)\n return name.substr(eventPrefix.length);\n return name;\n}\n\n// $.listen is deprecated. Use Parsley.on instead.\n$.listen = function (name, callback) {\n var context;\n deprecated();\n if ('object' === typeof arguments[1] && 'function' === typeof arguments[2]) {\n context = arguments[1];\n callback = arguments[2];\n }\n\n if ('function' !== typeof callback)\n throw new Error('Wrong parameters');\n\n window.Parsley.on(eventName(name), adapt(callback, context));\n};\n\n$.listenTo = function (instance, name, fn) {\n deprecated();\n if (!(instance instanceof ParsleyField) && !(instance instanceof ParsleyForm))\n throw new Error('Must give Parsley instance');\n\n if ('string' !== typeof name || 'function' !== typeof fn)\n throw new Error('Wrong parameters');\n\n instance.on(eventName(name), adapt(fn));\n};\n\n$.unsubscribe = function (name, fn) {\n deprecated();\n if ('string' !== typeof name || 'function' !== typeof fn)\n throw new Error('Wrong arguments');\n window.Parsley.off(eventName(name), fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback);\n};\n\n$.unsubscribeTo = function (instance, name) {\n deprecated();\n if (!(instance instanceof ParsleyField) && !(instance instanceof ParsleyForm))\n throw new Error('Must give Parsley instance');\n instance.off(eventName(name));\n};\n\n$.unsubscribeAll = function (name) {\n deprecated();\n window.Parsley.off(eventName(name));\n $('form,input,textarea,select').each(function () {\n var instance = $(this).data('Parsley');\n if (instance) {\n instance.off(eventName(name));\n }\n });\n};\n\n// $.emit is deprecated. Use jQuery events instead.\n$.emit = function (name, instance) {\n deprecated();\n var instanceGiven = (instance instanceof ParsleyField) || (instance instanceof ParsleyForm);\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, instanceGiven ? 2 : 1);\n args.unshift(eventName(name));\n if (!instanceGiven) {\n instance = window.Parsley;\n }\n instance.trigger(...args);\n};\n\nexport default {};\n","import $ from 'jquery';\n\nvar globalID = 1;\nvar pastWarnings = {};\n\nvar ParsleyUtils = {\n // Parsley DOM-API\n // returns object from dom attributes and values\n attr: function ($element, namespace, obj) {\n var i;\n var attribute;\n var attributes;\n var regex = new RegExp('^' + namespace, 'i');\n\n if ('undefined' === typeof obj)\n obj = {};\n else {\n // Clear all own properties. This won't affect prototype's values\n for (i in obj) {\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i))\n delete obj[i];\n }\n }\n\n if ('undefined' === typeof $element || 'undefined' === typeof $element[0])\n return obj;\n\n attributes = $element[0].attributes;\n for (i = attributes.length; i--; ) {\n attribute = attributes[i];\n\n if (attribute && attribute.specified && regex.test(attribute.name)) {\n obj[this.camelize(attribute.name.slice(namespace.length))] = this.deserializeValue(attribute.value);\n }\n }\n\n return obj;\n },\n\n checkAttr: function ($element, namespace, checkAttr) {\n return $element.is('[' + namespace + checkAttr + ']');\n },\n\n setAttr: function ($element, namespace, attr, value) {\n $element[0].setAttribute(this.dasherize(namespace + attr), String(value));\n },\n\n generateID: function () {\n return '' + globalID++;\n },\n\n /** Third party functions **/\n // Zepto deserialize function\n deserializeValue: function (value) {\n var num;\n\n try {\n return value ?\n value == \"true\" ||\n (value == \"false\" ? false :\n value == \"null\" ? null :\n !isNaN(num = Number(value)) ? num :\n /^[\\[\\{]/.test(value) ? $.parseJSON(value) :\n value)\n : value;\n } catch (e) { return value; }\n },\n\n // Zepto camelize function\n camelize: function (str) {\n return str.replace(/-+(.)?/g, function (match, chr) {\n return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '';\n });\n },\n\n // Zepto dasherize function\n dasherize: function (str) {\n return str.replace(/::/g, '/')\n .replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2')\n .replace(/([a-z\\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2')\n .replace(/_/g, '-')\n .toLowerCase();\n },\n\n warn: function () {\n if (window.console && 'function' === typeof window.console.warn)\n window.console.warn(...arguments);\n },\n\n warnOnce: function(msg) {\n if (!pastWarnings[msg]) {\n pastWarnings[msg] = true;\n this.warn(...arguments);\n }\n },\n\n _resetWarnings: function () {\n pastWarnings = {};\n },\n\n trimString: function(string) {\n return string.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '');\n },\n\n // Object.create polyfill, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/create#Polyfill\n objectCreate: Object.create || (function () {\n var Object = function () {};\n return function (prototype) {\n if (arguments.length > 1) {\n throw Error('Second argument not supported');\n }\n if (typeof prototype != 'object') {\n throw TypeError('Argument must be an object');\n }\n Object.prototype = prototype;\n var result = new Object();\n Object.prototype = null;\n return result;\n };\n })()\n};\n\nexport default ParsleyUtils;\n","// All these options could be overriden and specified directly in DOM using\n// `data-parsley-` default DOM-API\n// eg: `inputs` can be set in DOM using `data-parsley-inputs=\"input, textarea\"`\n// eg: `data-parsley-stop-on-first-failing-constraint=\"false\"`\n\nvar ParsleyDefaults = {\n // ### General\n\n // Default data-namespace for DOM API\n namespace: 'data-parsley-',\n\n // Supported inputs by default\n inputs: 'input, textarea, select',\n\n // Excluded inputs by default\n excluded: 'input[type=button], input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=hidden]',\n\n // Stop validating field on highest priority failing constraint\n priorityEnabled: true,\n\n // ### Field only\n\n // identifier used to group together inputs (e.g. radio buttons...)\n multiple: null,\n\n // identifier (or array of identifiers) used to validate only a select group of inputs\n group: null,\n\n // ### UI\n // Enable\\Disable error messages\n uiEnabled: true,\n\n // Key events threshold before validation\n validationThreshold: 3,\n\n // Focused field on form validation error. 'first'|'last'|'none'\n focus: 'first',\n\n // `$.Event()` that will trigger validation. eg: `keyup`, `change`...\n trigger: false,\n\n // Class that would be added on every failing validation Parsley field\n errorClass: 'parsley-error',\n\n // Same for success validation\n successClass: 'parsley-success',\n\n // Return the `$element` that will receive these above success or error classes\n // Could also be (and given directly from DOM) a valid selector like `'#div'`\n classHandler: function (ParsleyField) {},\n\n // Return the `$element` where errors will be appended\n // Could also be (and given directly from DOM) a valid selector like `'#div'`\n errorsContainer: function (ParsleyField) {},\n\n // ul elem that would receive errors' list\n errorsWrapper: '',\n\n // li elem that would receive error message\n errorTemplate: '
  • '\n};\n\nexport default ParsleyDefaults;\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport ParsleyUtils from './utils';\n\nvar ParsleyAbstract = function () {};\n\nParsleyAbstract.prototype = {\n asyncSupport: true, // Deprecated\n\n actualizeOptions: function () {\n ParsleyUtils.attr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, this.domOptions);\n if (this.parent && this.parent.actualizeOptions)\n this.parent.actualizeOptions();\n return this;\n },\n\n _resetOptions: function (initOptions) {\n this.domOptions = ParsleyUtils.objectCreate(this.parent.options);\n this.options = ParsleyUtils.objectCreate(this.domOptions);\n // Shallow copy of ownProperties of initOptions:\n for (var i in initOptions) {\n if (initOptions.hasOwnProperty(i))\n this.options[i] = initOptions[i];\n }\n this.actualizeOptions();\n },\n\n _listeners: null,\n\n // Register a callback for the given event name.\n // Callback is called with context as the first argument and the `this`.\n // The context is the current parsley instance, or window.Parsley if global.\n // A return value of `false` will interrupt the calls\n on: function (name, fn) {\n this._listeners = this._listeners || {};\n var queue = this._listeners[name] = this._listeners[name] || [];\n queue.push(fn);\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Deprecated. Use `on` instead.\n subscribe: function(name, fn) {\n $.listenTo(this, name.toLowerCase(), fn);\n },\n\n // Unregister a callback (or all if none is given) for the given event name\n off: function (name, fn) {\n var queue = this._listeners && this._listeners[name];\n if (queue) {\n if (!fn) {\n delete this._listeners[name];\n } else {\n for (var i = queue.length; i--; )\n if (queue[i] === fn)\n queue.splice(i, 1);\n }\n }\n return this;\n },\n\n // Deprecated. Use `off`\n unsubscribe: function(name, fn) {\n $.unsubscribeTo(this, name.toLowerCase());\n },\n\n // Trigger an event of the given name.\n // A return value of `false` interrupts the callback chain.\n // Returns false if execution was interrupted.\n trigger: function (name, target, extraArg) {\n target = target || this;\n var queue = this._listeners && this._listeners[name];\n var result;\n var parentResult;\n if (queue) {\n for (var i = queue.length; i--; ) {\n result = queue[i].call(target, target, extraArg);\n if (result === false) return result;\n }\n }\n if (this.parent) {\n return this.parent.trigger(name, target, extraArg);\n }\n return true;\n },\n\n // Reset UI\n reset: function () {\n // Field case: just emit a reset event for UI\n if ('ParsleyForm' !== this.__class__)\n return this._trigger('reset');\n\n // Form case: emit a reset event for each field\n for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++)\n this.fields[i]._trigger('reset');\n\n this._trigger('reset');\n },\n\n // Destroy Parsley instance (+ UI)\n destroy: function () {\n // Field case: emit destroy event to clean UI and then destroy stored instance\n if ('ParsleyForm' !== this.__class__) {\n this.$element.removeData('Parsley');\n this.$element.removeData('ParsleyFieldMultiple');\n this._trigger('destroy');\n\n return;\n }\n\n // Form case: destroy all its fields and then destroy stored instance\n for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++)\n this.fields[i].destroy();\n\n this.$element.removeData('Parsley');\n this._trigger('destroy');\n },\n\n asyncIsValid: function (group, force) {\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce(\"asyncIsValid is deprecated; please use whenValid instead\");\n return this.whenValid({group, force});\n },\n\n _findRelated: function () {\n return this.options.multiple ?\n this.parent.$element.find(`[${this.options.namespace}multiple=\"${this.options.multiple}\"]`)\n : this.$element;\n }\n};\n\nexport default ParsleyAbstract;\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport ParsleyUtils from './utils';\n\nvar requirementConverters = {\n string: function(string) {\n return string;\n },\n integer: function(string) {\n if (isNaN(string))\n throw 'Requirement is not an integer: \"' + string + '\"';\n return parseInt(string, 10);\n },\n number: function(string) {\n if (isNaN(string))\n throw 'Requirement is not a number: \"' + string + '\"';\n return parseFloat(string);\n },\n reference: function(string) { // Unused for now\n var result = $(string);\n if (result.length === 0)\n throw 'No such reference: \"' + string + '\"';\n return result;\n },\n boolean: function(string) {\n return string !== 'false';\n },\n object: function(string) {\n return ParsleyUtils.deserializeValue(string);\n },\n regexp: function(regexp) {\n var flags = '';\n\n // Test if RegExp is literal, if not, nothing to be done, otherwise, we need to isolate flags and pattern\n if (/^\\/.*\\/(?:[gimy]*)$/.test(regexp)) {\n // Replace the regexp literal string with the first match group: ([gimy]*)\n // If no flag is present, this will be a blank string\n flags = regexp.replace(/.*\\/([gimy]*)$/, '$1');\n // Again, replace the regexp literal string with the first match group:\n // everything excluding the opening and closing slashes and the flags\n regexp = regexp.replace(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/' + flags + '$'), '$1');\n } else {\n // Anchor regexp:\n regexp = '^' + regexp + '$';\n }\n return new RegExp(regexp, flags);\n }\n};\n\nvar convertArrayRequirement = function(string, length) {\n var m = string.match(/^\\s*\\[(.*)\\]\\s*$/);\n if (!m)\n throw 'Requirement is not an array: \"' + string + '\"';\n var values = m[1].split(',').map(ParsleyUtils.trimString);\n if (values.length !== length)\n throw 'Requirement has ' + values.length + ' values when ' + length + ' are needed';\n return values;\n};\n\nvar convertRequirement = function(requirementType, string) {\n var converter = requirementConverters[requirementType || 'string'];\n if (!converter)\n throw 'Unknown requirement specification: \"' + requirementType + '\"';\n return converter(string);\n};\n\nvar convertExtraOptionRequirement = function(requirementSpec, string, extraOptionReader) {\n var main = null;\n var extra = {};\n for (var key in requirementSpec) {\n if (key) {\n var value = extraOptionReader(key);\n if ('string' === typeof value)\n value = convertRequirement(requirementSpec[key], value);\n extra[key] = value;\n } else {\n main = convertRequirement(requirementSpec[key], string);\n }\n }\n return [main, extra];\n};\n\n// A Validator needs to implement the methods `validate` and `parseRequirements`\n\nvar ParsleyValidator = function(spec) {\n $.extend(true, this, spec);\n};\n\nParsleyValidator.prototype = {\n // Returns `true` iff the given `value` is valid according the given requirements.\n validate: function(value, requirementFirstArg) {\n if (this.fn) { // Legacy style validator\n\n if (arguments.length > 3) // If more args then value, requirement, instance...\n requirementFirstArg = [].slice.call(arguments, 1, -1); // Skip first arg (value) and last (instance), combining the rest\n return this.fn.call(this, value, requirementFirstArg);\n }\n\n if ($.isArray(value)) {\n if (!this.validateMultiple)\n throw 'Validator `' + this.name + '` does not handle multiple values';\n return this.validateMultiple(...arguments);\n } else {\n if (this.validateNumber) {\n if (isNaN(value))\n return false;\n arguments[0] = parseFloat(arguments[0]);\n return this.validateNumber(...arguments);\n }\n if (this.validateString) {\n return this.validateString(...arguments);\n }\n throw 'Validator `' + this.name + '` only handles multiple values';\n }\n },\n\n // Parses `requirements` into an array of arguments,\n // according to `this.requirementType`\n parseRequirements: function(requirements, extraOptionReader) {\n if ('string' !== typeof requirements) {\n // Assume requirement already parsed\n // but make sure we return an array\n return $.isArray(requirements) ? requirements : [requirements];\n }\n var type = this.requirementType;\n if ($.isArray(type)) {\n var values = convertArrayRequirement(requirements, type.length);\n for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)\n values[i] = convertRequirement(type[i], values[i]);\n return values;\n } else if ($.isPlainObject(type)) {\n return convertExtraOptionRequirement(type, requirements, extraOptionReader);\n } else {\n return [convertRequirement(type, requirements)];\n }\n },\n // Defaults:\n requirementType: 'string',\n\n priority: 2\n\n};\n\nexport default ParsleyValidator;\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport ParsleyUtils from './utils';\nimport ParsleyDefaults from './defaults';\nimport ParsleyValidator from './validator';\n\nvar ParsleyValidatorRegistry = function (validators, catalog) {\n this.__class__ = 'ParsleyValidatorRegistry';\n\n // Default Parsley locale is en\n this.locale = 'en';\n\n this.init(validators || {}, catalog || {});\n};\n\nvar typeRegexes = {\n email: /^((([a-z]|\\d|[!#\\$%&'\\*\\+\\-\\/=\\?\\^_`{\\|}~]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])+(\\.([a-z]|\\d|[!#\\$%&'\\*\\+\\-\\/=\\?\\^_`{\\|}~]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])+)*)|((\\x22)((((\\x20|\\x09)*(\\x0d\\x0a))?(\\x20|\\x09)+)?(([\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x7f]|\\x21|[\\x23-\\x5b]|[\\x5d-\\x7e]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])|(\\\\([\\x01-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0d-\\x7f]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF]))))*(((\\x20|\\x09)*(\\x0d\\x0a))?(\\x20|\\x09)+)?(\\x22)))@((([a-z]|\\d|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\\d|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])([a-z]|\\d|-|\\.|_|~|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\\d|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])))\\.)+(([a-z]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])([a-z]|\\d|-|\\.|_|~|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])))$/i,\n\n // Follow https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/infrastructure.html#floating-point-numbers\n number: /^-?(\\d*\\.)?\\d+(e[-+]?\\d+)?$/i,\n\n integer: /^-?\\d+$/,\n\n digits: /^\\d+$/,\n\n alphanum: /^\\w+$/i,\n\n url: new RegExp(\n \"^\" +\n // protocol identifier\n \"(?:(?:https?|ftp)://)?\" + // ** mod: make scheme optional\n // user:pass authentication\n \"(?:\\\\S+(?::\\\\S*)?@)?\" +\n \"(?:\" +\n // IP address exclusion\n // private & local networks\n // \"(?!(?:10|127)(?:\\\\.\\\\d{1,3}){3})\" + // ** mod: allow local networks\n // \"(?!(?:169\\\\.254|192\\\\.168)(?:\\\\.\\\\d{1,3}){2})\" + // ** mod: allow local networks\n // \"(?!172\\\\.(?:1[6-9]|2\\\\d|3[0-1])(?:\\\\.\\\\d{1,3}){2})\" + // ** mod: allow local networks\n // IP address dotted notation octets\n // excludes loopback network\n // excludes reserved space >=\n // excludes network & broacast addresses\n // (first & last IP address of each class)\n \"(?:[1-9]\\\\d?|1\\\\d\\\\d|2[01]\\\\d|22[0-3])\" +\n \"(?:\\\\.(?:1?\\\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\\\d|25[0-5])){2}\" +\n \"(?:\\\\.(?:[1-9]\\\\d?|1\\\\d\\\\d|2[0-4]\\\\d|25[0-4]))\" +\n \"|\" +\n // host name\n \"(?:(?:[a-z\\\\u00a1-\\\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\\\u00a1-\\\\uffff0-9]+)\" +\n // domain name\n \"(?:\\\\.(?:[a-z\\\\u00a1-\\\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\\\u00a1-\\\\uffff0-9]+)*\" +\n // TLD identifier\n \"(?:\\\\.(?:[a-z\\\\u00a1-\\\\uffff]{2,}))\" +\n \")\" +\n // port number\n \"(?::\\\\d{2,5})?\" +\n // resource path\n \"(?:/\\\\S*)?\" +\n \"$\", 'i'\n )\n};\ntypeRegexes.range = typeRegexes.number;\n\n// See http://stackoverflow.com/a/10454560/8279\nvar decimalPlaces = num => {\n var match = ('' + num).match(/(?:\\.(\\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\\d+))?$/);\n if (!match) { return 0; }\n return Math.max(\n 0,\n // Number of digits right of decimal point.\n (match[1] ? match[1].length : 0) -\n // Adjust for scientific notation.\n (match[2] ? +match[2] : 0));\n};\n\nParsleyValidatorRegistry.prototype = {\n init: function (validators, catalog) {\n this.catalog = catalog;\n // Copy prototype's validators:\n this.validators = $.extend({}, this.validators);\n\n for (var name in validators)\n this.addValidator(name, validators[name].fn, validators[name].priority);\n\n window.Parsley.trigger('parsley:validator:init');\n },\n\n // Set new messages locale if we have dictionary loaded in ParsleyConfig.i18n\n setLocale: function (locale) {\n if ('undefined' === typeof this.catalog[locale])\n throw new Error(locale + ' is not available in the catalog');\n\n this.locale = locale;\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Add a new messages catalog for a given locale. Set locale for this catalog if set === `true`\n addCatalog: function (locale, messages, set) {\n if ('object' === typeof messages)\n this.catalog[locale] = messages;\n\n if (true === set)\n return this.setLocale(locale);\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Add a specific message for a given constraint in a given locale\n addMessage: function (locale, name, message) {\n if ('undefined' === typeof this.catalog[locale])\n this.catalog[locale] = {};\n\n this.catalog[locale][name] = message;\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Add messages for a given locale\n addMessages: function (locale, nameMessageObject) {\n for (var name in nameMessageObject)\n this.addMessage(locale, name, nameMessageObject[name]);\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Add a new validator\n //\n // addValidator('custom', {\n // requirementType: ['integer', 'integer'],\n // validateString: function(value, from, to) {},\n // priority: 22,\n // messages: {\n // en: \"Hey, that's no good\",\n // fr: \"Aye aye, pas bon du tout\",\n // }\n // })\n //\n // Old API was addValidator(name, function, priority)\n //\n addValidator: function (name, arg1, arg2) {\n if (this.validators[name])\n ParsleyUtils.warn('Validator \"' + name + '\" is already defined.');\n else if (ParsleyDefaults.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n ParsleyUtils.warn('\"' + name + '\" is a restricted keyword and is not a valid validator name.');\n return;\n }\n return this._setValidator(...arguments);\n },\n\n updateValidator: function (name, arg1, arg2) {\n if (!this.validators[name]) {\n ParsleyUtils.warn('Validator \"' + name + '\" is not already defined.');\n return this.addValidator(...arguments);\n }\n return this._setValidator(this, arguments);\n },\n\n removeValidator: function (name) {\n if (!this.validators[name])\n ParsleyUtils.warn('Validator \"' + name + '\" is not defined.');\n\n delete this.validators[name];\n\n return this;\n },\n\n _setValidator: function (name, validator, priority) {\n if ('object' !== typeof validator) {\n // Old style validator, with `fn` and `priority`\n validator = {\n fn: validator,\n priority: priority\n };\n }\n if (!validator.validate) {\n validator = new ParsleyValidator(validator);\n }\n this.validators[name] = validator;\n\n for (var locale in validator.messages || {})\n this.addMessage(locale, name, validator.messages[locale]);\n\n return this;\n },\n\n getErrorMessage: function (constraint) {\n var message;\n\n // Type constraints are a bit different, we have to match their requirements too to find right error message\n if ('type' === constraint.name) {\n var typeMessages = this.catalog[this.locale][constraint.name] || {};\n message = typeMessages[constraint.requirements];\n } else\n message = this.formatMessage(this.catalog[this.locale][constraint.name], constraint.requirements);\n\n return message || this.catalog[this.locale].defaultMessage || this.catalog.en.defaultMessage;\n },\n\n // Kind of light `sprintf()` implementation\n formatMessage: function (string, parameters) {\n if ('object' === typeof parameters) {\n for (var i in parameters)\n string = this.formatMessage(string, parameters[i]);\n\n return string;\n }\n\n return 'string' === typeof string ? string.replace(/%s/i, parameters) : '';\n },\n\n // Here is the Parsley default validators list.\n // A validator is an object with the following key values:\n // - priority: an integer\n // - requirement: 'string' (default), 'integer', 'number', 'regexp' or an Array of these\n // - validateString, validateMultiple, validateNumber: functions returning `true`, `false` or a promise\n // Alternatively, a validator can be a function that returns such an object\n //\n validators: {\n notblank: {\n validateString: function(value) {\n return /\\S/.test(value);\n },\n priority: 2\n },\n required: {\n validateMultiple: function(values) {\n return values.length > 0;\n },\n validateString: function(value) {\n return /\\S/.test(value);\n },\n priority: 512\n },\n type: {\n validateString: function(value, type, {step = '1', base = 0} = {}) {\n var regex = typeRegexes[type];\n if (!regex) {\n throw new Error('validator type `' + type + '` is not supported');\n }\n if (!regex.test(value))\n return false;\n if ('number' === type) {\n if (!/^any$/i.test(step || '')) {\n var nb = Number(value);\n // Be careful of rounding errors by using integers.\n var mul = Math.pow(10, Math.max(decimalPlaces(step), decimalPlaces(base)));\n if ((nb * mul - base * mul) % (step * mul) != 0)\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n },\n requirementType: {\n '': 'string',\n step: 'string',\n base: 'number'\n },\n priority: 256\n },\n pattern: {\n validateString: function(value, regexp) {\n return regexp.test(value);\n },\n requirementType: 'regexp',\n priority: 64\n },\n minlength: {\n validateString: function (value, requirement) {\n return value.length >= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'integer',\n priority: 30\n },\n maxlength: {\n validateString: function (value, requirement) {\n return value.length <= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'integer',\n priority: 30\n },\n length: {\n validateString: function (value, min, max) {\n return value.length >= min && value.length <= max;\n },\n requirementType: ['integer', 'integer'],\n priority: 30\n },\n mincheck: {\n validateMultiple: function (values, requirement) {\n return values.length >= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'integer',\n priority: 30\n },\n maxcheck: {\n validateMultiple: function (values, requirement) {\n return values.length <= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'integer',\n priority: 30\n },\n check: {\n validateMultiple: function (values, min, max) {\n return values.length >= min && values.length <= max;\n },\n requirementType: ['integer', 'integer'],\n priority: 30\n },\n min: {\n validateNumber: function (value, requirement) {\n return value >= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'number',\n priority: 30\n },\n max: {\n validateNumber: function (value, requirement) {\n return value <= requirement;\n },\n requirementType: 'number',\n priority: 30\n },\n range: {\n validateNumber: function (value, min, max) {\n return value >= min && value <= max;\n },\n requirementType: ['number', 'number'],\n priority: 30\n },\n equalto: {\n validateString: function (value, refOrValue) {\n var $reference = $(refOrValue);\n if ($reference.length)\n return value === $reference.val();\n else\n return value === refOrValue;\n },\n priority: 256\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport default ParsleyValidatorRegistry;\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport ParsleyUtils from './utils';\n\nvar ParsleyUI = function (options) {\n this.__class__ = 'ParsleyUI';\n};\n\nParsleyUI.prototype = {\n listen: function () {\n window.Parsley\n .on('form:init', (form ) => { this.setupForm (form ); } )\n .on('field:init', (field) => { this.setupField(field); } )\n .on('field:validated', (field) => { this.reflow (field); } )\n .on('form:validated', (form ) => { this.focus (form ); } )\n .on('field:reset', (field) => { this.reset (field); } )\n .on('form:destroy', (form ) => { this.destroy (form ); } )\n .on('field:destroy', (field) => { this.destroy (field); } );\n\n return this;\n },\n\n reflow: function (fieldInstance) {\n // If this field has not an active UI (case for multiples) don't bother doing something\n if ('undefined' === typeof fieldInstance._ui || false === fieldInstance._ui.active)\n return;\n\n // Diff between two validation results\n var diff = this._diff(fieldInstance.validationResult, fieldInstance._ui.lastValidationResult);\n\n // Then store current validation result for next reflow\n fieldInstance._ui.lastValidationResult = fieldInstance.validationResult;\n\n // Handle valid / invalid / none field class\n this.manageStatusClass(fieldInstance);\n\n // Add, remove, updated errors messages\n this.manageErrorsMessages(fieldInstance, diff);\n\n // Triggers impl\n this.actualizeTriggers(fieldInstance);\n\n // If field is not valid for the first time, bind keyup trigger to ease UX and quickly inform user\n if ((diff.kept.length || diff.added.length) && true !== fieldInstance._ui.failedOnce)\n this.manageFailingFieldTrigger(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n // Returns an array of field's error message(s)\n getErrorsMessages: function (fieldInstance) {\n // No error message, field is valid\n if (true === fieldInstance.validationResult)\n return [];\n\n var messages = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < fieldInstance.validationResult.length; i++)\n messages.push(fieldInstance.validationResult[i].errorMessage ||\n this._getErrorMessage(fieldInstance, fieldInstance.validationResult[i].assert));\n\n return messages;\n },\n\n manageStatusClass: function (fieldInstance) {\n if (fieldInstance.hasConstraints() && fieldInstance.needsValidation() && true === fieldInstance.validationResult)\n this._successClass(fieldInstance);\n else if (fieldInstance.validationResult.length > 0)\n this._errorClass(fieldInstance);\n else\n this._resetClass(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n manageErrorsMessages: function (fieldInstance, diff) {\n if ('undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.options.errorsMessagesDisabled)\n return;\n\n // Case where we have errorMessage option that configure an unique field error message, regardless failing validators\n if ('undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.options.errorMessage) {\n if ((diff.added.length || diff.kept.length)) {\n this._insertErrorWrapper(fieldInstance);\n\n if (0 === fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper.find('.parsley-custom-error-message').length)\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .append(\n $(fieldInstance.options.errorTemplate)\n .addClass('parsley-custom-error-message')\n );\n\n return fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .addClass('filled')\n .find('.parsley-custom-error-message')\n .html(fieldInstance.options.errorMessage);\n }\n\n return fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .removeClass('filled')\n .find('.parsley-custom-error-message')\n .remove();\n }\n\n // Show, hide, update failing constraints messages\n for (var i = 0; i < diff.removed.length; i++)\n this.removeError(fieldInstance, diff.removed[i].assert.name, true);\n\n for (i = 0; i < diff.added.length; i++)\n this.addError(fieldInstance, diff.added[i].assert.name, diff.added[i].errorMessage, diff.added[i].assert, true);\n\n for (i = 0; i < diff.kept.length; i++)\n this.updateError(fieldInstance, diff.kept[i].assert.name, diff.kept[i].errorMessage, diff.kept[i].assert, true);\n },\n\n // TODO: strange API here, intuitive for manual usage with addError(pslyInstance, 'foo', 'bar')\n // but a little bit complex for above internal usage, with forced undefined parameter...\n addError: function (fieldInstance, name, message, assert, doNotUpdateClass) {\n this._insertErrorWrapper(fieldInstance);\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .addClass('filled')\n .append(\n $(fieldInstance.options.errorTemplate)\n .addClass('parsley-' + name)\n .html(message || this._getErrorMessage(fieldInstance, assert))\n );\n\n if (true !== doNotUpdateClass)\n this._errorClass(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n // Same as above\n updateError: function (fieldInstance, name, message, assert, doNotUpdateClass) {\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .addClass('filled')\n .find('.parsley-' + name)\n .html(message || this._getErrorMessage(fieldInstance, assert));\n\n if (true !== doNotUpdateClass)\n this._errorClass(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n // Same as above twice\n removeError: function (fieldInstance, name, doNotUpdateClass) {\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .removeClass('filled')\n .find('.parsley-' + name)\n .remove();\n\n // edge case possible here: remove a standard Parsley error that is still failing in fieldInstance.validationResult\n // but highly improbable cuz' manually removing a well Parsley handled error makes no sense.\n if (true !== doNotUpdateClass)\n this.manageStatusClass(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n focus: function (formInstance) {\n formInstance._focusedField = null;\n\n if (true === formInstance.validationResult || 'none' === formInstance.options.focus)\n return null;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < formInstance.fields.length; i++) {\n var field = formInstance.fields[i];\n if (true !== field.validationResult && field.validationResult.length > 0 && 'undefined' === typeof field.options.noFocus) {\n formInstance._focusedField = field.$element;\n if ('first' === formInstance.options.focus)\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (null === formInstance._focusedField)\n return null;\n\n return formInstance._focusedField.focus();\n },\n\n _getErrorMessage: function (fieldInstance, constraint) {\n var customConstraintErrorMessage = constraint.name + 'Message';\n\n if ('undefined' !== typeof fieldInstance.options[customConstraintErrorMessage])\n return window.Parsley.formatMessage(fieldInstance.options[customConstraintErrorMessage], constraint.requirements);\n\n return window.Parsley.getErrorMessage(constraint);\n },\n\n _diff: function (newResult, oldResult, deep) {\n var added = [];\n var kept = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < newResult.length; i++) {\n var found = false;\n\n for (var j = 0; j < oldResult.length; j++)\n if (newResult[i].assert.name === oldResult[j].assert.name) {\n found = true;\n break;\n }\n\n if (found)\n kept.push(newResult[i]);\n else\n added.push(newResult[i]);\n }\n\n return {\n kept: kept,\n added: added,\n removed: !deep ? this._diff(oldResult, newResult, true).added : []\n };\n },\n\n setupForm: function (formInstance) {\n formInstance.$element.on('submit.Parsley', evt => { formInstance.onSubmitValidate(evt); });\n formInstance.$element.on('click.Parsley', 'input[type=\"submit\"], button[type=\"submit\"]', evt => { formInstance.onSubmitButton(evt); });\n\n // UI could be disabled\n if (false === formInstance.options.uiEnabled)\n return;\n\n formInstance.$element.attr('novalidate', '');\n },\n\n setupField: function (fieldInstance) {\n var _ui = {active: false};\n\n // UI could be disabled\n if (false === fieldInstance.options.uiEnabled)\n return;\n\n _ui.active = true;\n\n // Give field its Parsley id in DOM\n fieldInstance.$element.attr(fieldInstance.options.namespace + 'id', fieldInstance.__id__);\n\n /** Generate important UI elements and store them in fieldInstance **/\n // $errorClassHandler is the $element that woul have parsley-error and parsley-success classes\n _ui.$errorClassHandler = this._manageClassHandler(fieldInstance);\n\n // $errorsWrapper is a div that would contain the various field errors, it will be appended into $errorsContainer\n _ui.errorsWrapperId = 'parsley-id-' + (fieldInstance.options.multiple ? 'multiple-' + fieldInstance.options.multiple : fieldInstance.__id__);\n _ui.$errorsWrapper = $(fieldInstance.options.errorsWrapper).attr('id', _ui.errorsWrapperId);\n\n // ValidationResult UI storage to detect what have changed bwt two validations, and update DOM accordingly\n _ui.lastValidationResult = [];\n _ui.validationInformationVisible = false;\n\n // Store it in fieldInstance for later\n fieldInstance._ui = _ui;\n\n // Bind triggers first time\n this.actualizeTriggers(fieldInstance);\n },\n\n // Determine which element will have `parsley-error` and `parsley-success` classes\n _manageClassHandler: function (fieldInstance) {\n // An element selector could be passed through DOM with `data-parsley-class-handler=#foo`\n if ('string' === typeof fieldInstance.options.classHandler && $(fieldInstance.options.classHandler).length)\n return $(fieldInstance.options.classHandler);\n\n // Class handled could also be determined by function given in Parsley options\n var $handler = fieldInstance.options.classHandler(fieldInstance);\n\n // If this function returned a valid existing DOM element, go for it\n if ('undefined' !== typeof $handler && $handler.length)\n return $handler;\n\n // Otherwise, if simple element (input, texatrea, select...) it will perfectly host the classes\n if (!fieldInstance.options.multiple || fieldInstance.$element.is('select'))\n return fieldInstance.$element;\n\n // But if multiple element (radio, checkbox), that would be their parent\n return fieldInstance.$element.parent();\n },\n\n _insertErrorWrapper: function (fieldInstance) {\n var $errorsContainer;\n\n // Nothing to do if already inserted\n if (0 !== fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper.parent().length)\n return fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper.parent();\n\n if ('string' === typeof fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer) {\n if ($(fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer).length)\n return $(fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer).append(fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper);\n else\n ParsleyUtils.warn('The errors container `' + fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer + '` does not exist in DOM');\n } else if ('function' === typeof fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer)\n $errorsContainer = fieldInstance.options.errorsContainer(fieldInstance);\n\n if ('undefined' !== typeof $errorsContainer && $errorsContainer.length)\n return $errorsContainer.append(fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper);\n\n var $from = fieldInstance.$element;\n if (fieldInstance.options.multiple)\n $from = $from.parent();\n return $from.after(fieldInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper);\n },\n\n actualizeTriggers: function (fieldInstance) {\n var $toBind = fieldInstance._findRelated();\n\n // Remove Parsley events already binded on this field\n $toBind.off('.Parsley');\n\n // If no trigger is set, all good\n if (false === fieldInstance.options.trigger)\n return;\n\n var triggers = fieldInstance.options.trigger.replace(/^\\s+/g , '').replace(/\\s+$/g , '');\n\n if ('' === triggers)\n return;\n\n $toBind.on(\n triggers.split(' ').join('.Parsley ') + '.Parsley',\n event => { this.eventValidate(fieldInstance, event); }\n );\n },\n\n eventValidate: function (field, event) {\n // For keyup, keypress, keydown... events that could be a little bit obstrusive\n // do not validate if val length < min threshold on first validation. Once field have been validated once and info\n // about success or failure have been displayed, always validate with this trigger to reflect every yalidation change.\n if (/key/.test(event.type))\n if (!field._ui.validationInformationVisible && field.getValue().length <= field.options.validationThreshold)\n return;\n\n field.validate();\n },\n\n manageFailingFieldTrigger: function (fieldInstance) {\n fieldInstance._ui.failedOnce = true;\n\n // Radio and checkboxes fields must bind every field multiple\n if (fieldInstance.options.multiple)\n fieldInstance._findRelated().each(function () {\n if (!/change/i.test($(this).parsley().options.trigger || ''))\n $(this).on('change.ParsleyFailedOnce', () => { fieldInstance.validate(); });\n });\n\n // Select case\n if (fieldInstance.$element.is('select'))\n if (!/change/i.test(fieldInstance.options.trigger || ''))\n return fieldInstance.$element.on('change.ParsleyFailedOnce', () => { fieldInstance.validate(); });\n\n // All other inputs fields\n if (!/keyup/i.test(fieldInstance.options.trigger || ''))\n return fieldInstance.$element.on('keyup.ParsleyFailedOnce', () => { fieldInstance.validate(); });\n },\n\n reset: function (parsleyInstance) {\n // Reset all event listeners\n this.actualizeTriggers(parsleyInstance);\n parsleyInstance.$element.off('.ParsleyFailedOnce');\n\n // Nothing to do if UI never initialized for this field\n if ('undefined' === typeof parsleyInstance._ui)\n return;\n\n if ('ParsleyForm' === parsleyInstance.__class__)\n return;\n\n // Reset all errors' li\n parsleyInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper\n .removeClass('filled')\n .children()\n .remove();\n\n // Reset validation class\n this._resetClass(parsleyInstance);\n\n // Reset validation flags and last validation result\n parsleyInstance._ui.lastValidationResult = [];\n parsleyInstance._ui.validationInformationVisible = false;\n parsleyInstance._ui.failedOnce = false;\n },\n\n destroy: function (parsleyInstance) {\n this.reset(parsleyInstance);\n\n if ('ParsleyForm' === parsleyInstance.__class__)\n return;\n\n if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyInstance._ui)\n parsleyInstance._ui.$errorsWrapper.remove();\n\n delete parsleyInstance._ui;\n },\n\n _successClass: function (fieldInstance) {\n fieldInstance._ui.validationInformationVisible = true;\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorClassHandler.removeClass(fieldInstance.options.errorClass).addClass(fieldInstance.options.successClass);\n },\n _errorClass: function (fieldInstance) {\n fieldInstance._ui.validationInformationVisible = true;\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorClassHandler.removeClass(fieldInstance.options.successClass).addClass(fieldInstance.options.errorClass);\n },\n _resetClass: function (fieldInstance) {\n fieldInstance._ui.$errorClassHandler.removeClass(fieldInstance.options.successClass).removeClass(fieldInstance.options.errorClass);\n }\n};\n\nexport default ParsleyUI;\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport ParsleyAbstract from './abstract';\nimport ParsleyUtils from './utils';\n\nvar ParsleyForm = function (element, domOptions, options) {\n this.__class__ = 'ParsleyForm';\n this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils.generateID();\n\n this.$element = $(element);\n this.domOptions = domOptions;\n this.options = options;\n this.parent = window.Parsley;\n\n this.fields = [];\n this.validationResult = null;\n};\n\nvar statusMapping = {pending: null, resolved: true, rejected: false};\n\nParsleyForm.prototype = {\n onSubmitValidate: function (event) {\n // This is a Parsley generated submit event, do not validate, do not prevent, simply exit and keep normal behavior\n if (true === event.parsley)\n return;\n\n // If we didn't come here through a submit button, use the first one in the form\n this._$submitSource = this._$submitSource || this.$element.find('input[type=\"submit\"], button[type=\"submit\"]').first();\n\n if (this._$submitSource.is('[formnovalidate]')) {\n this._$submitSource = null;\n return;\n }\n\n // Because some validations might be asynchroneous,\n // we cancel this submit and will fake it after validation.\n event.stopImmediatePropagation();\n event.preventDefault();\n\n this.whenValidate({event})\n .done(() => { this._submit(); })\n .always(() => { this._$submitSource = null; });\n\n return this;\n },\n\n onSubmitButton: function(event) {\n this._$submitSource = $(event.target);\n },\n // internal\n // _submit submits the form, this time without going through the validations.\n // Care must be taken to \"fake\" the actual submit button being clicked.\n _submit: function () {\n if (false === this._trigger('submit'))\n return;\n this.$element.find('.parsley_synthetic_submit_button').remove();\n // Add submit button's data\n if (this._$submitSource) {\n $('')\n .attr('name', this._$submitSource.attr('name'))\n .attr('value', this._$submitSource.attr('value'))\n .appendTo(this.$element);\n }\n //\n this.$element.trigger($.extend($.Event('submit'), {parsley: true}));\n },\n\n // Performs validation on fields while triggering events.\n // @returns `true` if all validations succeeds, `false`\n // if a failure is immediately detected, or `null`\n // if dependant on a promise.\n // Consider using `whenValidate` instead.\n validate: function (options) {\n if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce('Calling validate on a parsley form without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');\n var [group, force, event] = arguments;\n options = {group, force, event};\n }\n return statusMapping[ this.whenValidate(options).state() ];\n },\n\n whenValidate: function ({group, force, event} = {}) {\n this.submitEvent = event;\n if (event) {\n this.submitEvent.preventDefault = () => {\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce(\"Using `this.submitEvent.preventDefault()` is deprecated; instead, call `this.validationResult = false`\");\n this.validationResult = false;\n };\n }\n this.validationResult = true;\n\n // fire validate event to eventually modify things before very validation\n this._trigger('validate');\n\n // Refresh form DOM options and form's fields that could have changed\n this._refreshFields();\n\n var promises = this._withoutReactualizingFormOptions(() => {\n return $.map(this.fields, field => {\n return field.whenValidate({force, group});\n });\n });\n\n var promiseBasedOnValidationResult = () => {\n var r = $.Deferred();\n if (false === this.validationResult)\n r.reject();\n return r.resolve().promise();\n };\n\n return $.when(...promises)\n .done( () => { this._trigger('success'); })\n .fail( () => { this.validationResult = false; this._trigger('error'); })\n .always(() => { this._trigger('validated'); })\n .pipe( promiseBasedOnValidationResult, promiseBasedOnValidationResult);\n },\n\n // Iterate over refreshed fields, and stop on first failure.\n // Returns `true` if all fields are valid, `false` if a failure is detected\n // or `null` if the result depends on an unresolved promise.\n // Prefer using `whenValid` instead.\n isValid: function (options) {\n if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce('Calling isValid on a parsley form without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');\n var [group, force] = arguments;\n options = {group, force};\n }\n return statusMapping[ this.whenValid(options).state() ];\n },\n\n // Iterate over refreshed fields and validate them.\n // Returns a promise.\n // A validation that immediately fails will interrupt the validations.\n whenValid: function ({group, force} = {}) {\n this._refreshFields();\n\n var promises = this._withoutReactualizingFormOptions(() => {\n return $.map(this.fields, field => {\n return field.whenValid({group, force});\n });\n });\n return $.when(...promises);\n },\n\n _refreshFields: function () {\n return this.actualizeOptions()._bindFields();\n },\n\n _bindFields: function () {\n var oldFields = this.fields;\n\n this.fields = [];\n this.fieldsMappedById = {};\n\n this._withoutReactualizingFormOptions(() => {\n this.$element\n .find(this.options.inputs)\n .not(this.options.excluded)\n .each((_, element) => {\n var fieldInstance = new window.Parsley.Factory(element, {}, this);\n\n // Only add valid and not excluded `ParsleyField` and `ParsleyFieldMultiple` children\n if (('ParsleyField' === fieldInstance.__class__ || 'ParsleyFieldMultiple' === fieldInstance.__class__) && (true !== fieldInstance.options.excluded))\n if ('undefined' === typeof this.fieldsMappedById[fieldInstance.__class__ + '-' + fieldInstance.__id__]) {\n this.fieldsMappedById[fieldInstance.__class__ + '-' + fieldInstance.__id__] = fieldInstance;\n this.fields.push(fieldInstance);\n }\n });\n\n $(oldFields).not(this.fields).each((_, field) => {\n field._trigger('reset');\n });\n });\n return this;\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Looping on a form's fields to do validation or similar\n // will trigger reactualizing options on all of them, which\n // in turn will reactualize the form's options.\n // To avoid calling actualizeOptions so many times on the form\n // for nothing, _withoutReactualizingFormOptions temporarily disables\n // the method actualizeOptions on this form while `fn` is called.\n _withoutReactualizingFormOptions: function (fn) {\n var oldActualizeOptions = this.actualizeOptions;\n this.actualizeOptions = function () { return this; };\n var result = fn();\n this.actualizeOptions = oldActualizeOptions;\n return result;\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Shortcut to trigger an event\n // Returns true iff event is not interrupted and default not prevented.\n _trigger: function (eventName) {\n return this.trigger('form:' + eventName);\n }\n\n};\n\nexport default ParsleyForm;\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport ParsleyUtils from '../utils';\nimport ParsleyValidator from '../validator';\n\n\nvar ConstraintFactory = function (parsleyField, name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint) {\n if (!/ParsleyField/.test(parsleyField.__class__))\n throw new Error('ParsleyField or ParsleyFieldMultiple instance expected');\n\n var validatorSpec = window.Parsley._validatorRegistry.validators[name];\n var validator = new ParsleyValidator(validatorSpec);\n\n $.extend(this, {\n validator: validator,\n name: name,\n requirements: requirements,\n priority: priority || parsleyField.options[name + 'Priority'] || validator.priority,\n isDomConstraint: true === isDomConstraint\n });\n this._parseRequirements(parsleyField.options);\n};\n\nvar capitalize = function(str) {\n var cap = str[0].toUpperCase();\n return cap + str.slice(1);\n};\n\nConstraintFactory.prototype = {\n validate: function(value, instance) {\n var args = this.requirementList.slice(0); // Make copy\n args.unshift(value);\n args.push(instance);\n return this.validator.validate.apply(this.validator, args);\n },\n\n _parseRequirements: function(options) {\n this.requirementList = this.validator.parseRequirements(this.requirements, key => {\n return options[this.name + capitalize(key)];\n });\n }\n};\n\nexport default ConstraintFactory;\n\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport ConstraintFactory from './factory/constraint';\nimport ParsleyUI from './ui';\nimport ParsleyUtils from './utils';\n\nvar ParsleyField = function (field, domOptions, options, parsleyFormInstance) {\n this.__class__ = 'ParsleyField';\n this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils.generateID();\n\n this.$element = $(field);\n\n // Set parent if we have one\n if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance) {\n this.parent = parsleyFormInstance;\n }\n\n this.options = options;\n this.domOptions = domOptions;\n\n // Initialize some properties\n this.constraints = [];\n this.constraintsByName = {};\n this.validationResult = [];\n\n // Bind constraints\n this._bindConstraints();\n};\n\nvar statusMapping = {pending: null, resolved: true, rejected: false};\n\nParsleyField.prototype = {\n // # Public API\n // Validate field and trigger some events for mainly `ParsleyUI`\n // @returns `true`, an array of the validators that failed, or\n // `null` if validation is not finished. Prefer using whenValidate\n validate: function (options) {\n if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce('Calling validate on a parsley field without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');\n options = {options};\n }\n var promise = this.whenValidate(options);\n if (!promise) // If excluded with `group` option\n return true;\n switch (promise.state()) {\n case 'pending': return null;\n case 'resolved': return true;\n case 'rejected': return this.validationResult;\n }\n },\n\n // Validate field and trigger some events for mainly `ParsleyUI`\n // @returns a promise that succeeds only when all validations do\n // or `undefined` if field is not in the given `group`.\n whenValidate: function ({force, group} = {}) {\n // do not validate a field if not the same as given validation group\n this.refreshConstraints();\n if (group && !this._isInGroup(group))\n return;\n\n this.value = this.getValue();\n\n // Field Validate event. `this.value` could be altered for custom needs\n this._trigger('validate');\n\n return this.whenValid({force, value: this.value, _refreshed: true})\n .done(() => { this._trigger('success'); })\n .fail(() => { this._trigger('error'); })\n .always(() => { this._trigger('validated'); });\n },\n\n hasConstraints: function () {\n return 0 !== this.constraints.length;\n },\n\n // An empty optional field does not need validation\n needsValidation: function (value) {\n if ('undefined' === typeof value)\n value = this.getValue();\n\n // If a field is empty and not required, it is valid\n // Except if `data-parsley-validate-if-empty` explicitely added, useful for some custom validators\n if (!value.length && !this._isRequired() && 'undefined' === typeof this.options.validateIfEmpty)\n return false;\n\n return true;\n },\n\n _isInGroup: function (group) {\n if ($.isArray(this.options.group))\n return -1 !== $.inArray(group, this.options.group);\n return this.options.group === group;\n },\n\n // Just validate field. Do not trigger any event.\n // Returns `true` iff all constraints pass, `false` if there are failures,\n // or `null` if the result can not be determined yet (depends on a promise)\n // See also `whenValid`.\n isValid: function (options) {\n if (arguments.length >= 1 && !$.isPlainObject(options)) {\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce('Calling isValid on a parsley field without passing arguments as an object is deprecated.');\n var [force, value] = arguments;\n options = {force, value};\n }\n var promise = this.whenValid(options);\n if (!promise) // Excluded via `group`\n return true;\n return statusMapping[promise.state()];\n },\n\n // Just validate field. Do not trigger any event.\n // @returns a promise that succeeds only when all validations do\n // or `undefined` if the field is not in the given `group`.\n // The argument `force` will force validation of empty fields.\n // If a `value` is given, it will be validated instead of the value of the input.\n whenValid: function ({force = false, value, group, _refreshed} = {}) {\n // Recompute options and rebind constraints to have latest changes\n if (!_refreshed)\n this.refreshConstraints();\n // do not validate a field if not the same as given validation group\n if (group && !this._isInGroup(group))\n return;\n\n this.validationResult = true;\n\n // A field without constraint is valid\n if (!this.hasConstraints())\n return $.when();\n\n // Value could be passed as argument, needed to add more power to 'parsley:field:validate'\n if ('undefined' === typeof value || null === value)\n value = this.getValue();\n\n if (!this.needsValidation(value) && true !== force)\n return $.when();\n\n var groupedConstraints = this._getGroupedConstraints();\n var promises = [];\n $.each(groupedConstraints, (_, constraints) => {\n // Process one group of constraints at a time, we validate the constraints\n // and combine the promises together.\n var promise = $.when(\n ...$.map(constraints, constraint => this._validateConstraint(value, constraint))\n );\n promises.push(promise);\n if (promise.state() === 'rejected')\n return false; // Interrupt processing if a group has already failed\n });\n return $.when.apply($, promises);\n },\n\n // @returns a promise\n _validateConstraint: function(value, constraint) {\n var result = constraint.validate(value, this);\n // Map false to a failed promise\n if (false === result)\n result = $.Deferred().reject();\n // Make sure we return a promise and that we record failures\n return $.when(result).fail(errorMessage => {\n if (true === this.validationResult)\n this.validationResult = [];\n this.validationResult.push({\n assert: constraint,\n errorMessage: 'string' === typeof errorMessage && errorMessage\n });\n });\n },\n\n // @returns Parsley field computed value that could be overrided or configured in DOM\n getValue: function () {\n var value;\n\n // Value could be overriden in DOM or with explicit options\n if ('function' === typeof this.options.value)\n value = this.options.value(this);\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.value)\n value = this.options.value;\n else\n value = this.$element.val();\n\n // Handle wrong DOM or configurations\n if ('undefined' === typeof value || null === value)\n return '';\n\n return this._handleWhitespace(value);\n },\n\n // Actualize options that could have change since previous validation\n // Re-bind accordingly constraints (could be some new, removed or updated)\n refreshConstraints: function () {\n return this.actualizeOptions()._bindConstraints();\n },\n\n /**\n * Add a new constraint to a field\n *\n * @param {String} name\n * @param {Mixed} requirements optional\n * @param {Number} priority optional\n * @param {Boolean} isDomConstraint optional\n */\n addConstraint: function (name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint) {\n\n if (window.Parsley._validatorRegistry.validators[name]) {\n var constraint = new ConstraintFactory(this, name, requirements, priority, isDomConstraint);\n\n // if constraint already exist, delete it and push new version\n if ('undefined' !== this.constraintsByName[constraint.name])\n this.removeConstraint(constraint.name);\n\n this.constraints.push(constraint);\n this.constraintsByName[constraint.name] = constraint;\n }\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // Remove a constraint\n removeConstraint: function (name) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++)\n if (name === this.constraints[i].name) {\n this.constraints.splice(i, 1);\n break;\n }\n delete this.constraintsByName[name];\n return this;\n },\n\n // Update a constraint (Remove + re-add)\n updateConstraint: function (name, parameters, priority) {\n return this.removeConstraint(name)\n .addConstraint(name, parameters, priority);\n },\n\n // # Internals\n\n // Internal only.\n // Bind constraints from config + options + DOM\n _bindConstraints: function () {\n var constraints = [];\n var constraintsByName = {};\n\n // clean all existing DOM constraints to only keep javascript user constraints\n for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++)\n if (false === this.constraints[i].isDomConstraint) {\n constraints.push(this.constraints[i]);\n constraintsByName[this.constraints[i].name] = this.constraints[i];\n }\n\n this.constraints = constraints;\n this.constraintsByName = constraintsByName;\n\n // then re-add Parsley DOM-API constraints\n for (var name in this.options)\n this.addConstraint(name, this.options[name], undefined, true);\n\n // finally, bind special HTML5 constraints\n return this._bindHtml5Constraints();\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Bind specific HTML5 constraints to be HTML5 compliant\n _bindHtml5Constraints: function () {\n // html5 required\n if (this.$element.hasClass('required') || this.$element.attr('required'))\n this.addConstraint('required', true, undefined, true);\n\n // html5 pattern\n if ('string' === typeof this.$element.attr('pattern'))\n this.addConstraint('pattern', this.$element.attr('pattern'), undefined, true);\n\n // range\n if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('min') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('max'))\n this.addConstraint('range', [this.$element.attr('min'), this.$element.attr('max')], undefined, true);\n\n // HTML5 min\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('min'))\n this.addConstraint('min', this.$element.attr('min'), undefined, true);\n\n // HTML5 max\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('max'))\n this.addConstraint('max', this.$element.attr('max'), undefined, true);\n\n\n // length\n if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('minlength') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('maxlength'))\n this.addConstraint('length', [this.$element.attr('minlength'), this.$element.attr('maxlength')], undefined, true);\n\n // HTML5 minlength\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('minlength'))\n this.addConstraint('minlength', this.$element.attr('minlength'), undefined, true);\n\n // HTML5 maxlength\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('maxlength'))\n this.addConstraint('maxlength', this.$element.attr('maxlength'), undefined, true);\n\n\n // html5 types\n var type = this.$element.attr('type');\n\n if ('undefined' === typeof type)\n return this;\n\n // Small special case here for HTML5 number: integer validator if step attribute is undefined or an integer value, number otherwise\n if ('number' === type) {\n return this.addConstraint('type', ['number', {\n step: this.$element.attr('step'),\n base: this.$element.attr('min') || this.$element.attr('value')\n }], undefined, true);\n // Regular other HTML5 supported types\n } else if (/^(email|url|range)$/i.test(type)) {\n return this.addConstraint('type', type, undefined, true);\n }\n return this;\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Field is required if have required constraint without `false` value\n _isRequired: function () {\n if ('undefined' === typeof this.constraintsByName.required)\n return false;\n\n return false !== this.constraintsByName.required.requirements;\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Shortcut to trigger an event\n _trigger: function (eventName) {\n return this.trigger('field:' + eventName);\n },\n\n // Internal only\n // Handles whitespace in a value\n // Use `data-parsley-whitespace=\"squish\"` to auto squish input value\n // Use `data-parsley-whitespace=\"trim\"` to auto trim input value\n _handleWhitespace: function (value) {\n if (true === this.options.trimValue)\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce('data-parsley-trim-value=\"true\" is deprecated, please use data-parsley-whitespace=\"trim\"');\n\n if ('squish' === this.options.whitespace)\n value = value.replace(/\\s{2,}/g, ' ');\n\n if (('trim' === this.options.whitespace) || ('squish' === this.options.whitespace) || (true === this.options.trimValue))\n value = ParsleyUtils.trimString(value);\n\n return value;\n },\n\n // Internal only.\n // Returns the constraints, grouped by descending priority.\n // The result is thus an array of arrays of constraints.\n _getGroupedConstraints: function () {\n if (false === this.options.priorityEnabled)\n return [this.constraints];\n\n var groupedConstraints = [];\n var index = {};\n\n // Create array unique of priorities\n for (var i = 0; i < this.constraints.length; i++) {\n var p = this.constraints[i].priority;\n if (!index[p])\n groupedConstraints.push(index[p] = []);\n index[p].push(this.constraints[i]);\n }\n // Sort them by priority DESC\n groupedConstraints.sort(function (a, b) { return b[0].priority - a[0].priority; });\n\n return groupedConstraints;\n }\n\n};\n\nexport default ParsleyField;\n","import $ from 'jquery';\n\nvar ParsleyMultiple = function () {\n this.__class__ = 'ParsleyFieldMultiple';\n};\n\nParsleyMultiple.prototype = {\n // Add new `$element` sibling for multiple field\n addElement: function ($element) {\n this.$elements.push($element);\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // See `ParsleyField.refreshConstraints()`\n refreshConstraints: function () {\n var fieldConstraints;\n\n this.constraints = [];\n\n // Select multiple special treatment\n if (this.$element.is('select')) {\n this.actualizeOptions()._bindConstraints();\n\n return this;\n }\n\n // Gather all constraints for each input in the multiple group\n for (var i = 0; i < this.$elements.length; i++) {\n\n // Check if element have not been dynamically removed since last binding\n if (!$('html').has(this.$elements[i]).length) {\n this.$elements.splice(i, 1);\n continue;\n }\n\n fieldConstraints = this.$elements[i].data('ParsleyFieldMultiple').refreshConstraints().constraints;\n\n for (var j = 0; j < fieldConstraints.length; j++)\n this.addConstraint(fieldConstraints[j].name, fieldConstraints[j].requirements, fieldConstraints[j].priority, fieldConstraints[j].isDomConstraint);\n }\n\n return this;\n },\n\n // See `ParsleyField.getValue()`\n getValue: function () {\n // Value could be overriden in DOM\n if ('function' === typeof this.options.value)\n value = this.options.value(this);\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.options.value)\n return this.options.value;\n\n // Radio input case\n if (this.$element.is('input[type=radio]'))\n return this._findRelated().filter(':checked').val() || '';\n\n // checkbox input case\n if (this.$element.is('input[type=checkbox]')) {\n var values = [];\n\n this._findRelated().filter(':checked').each(function () {\n values.push($(this).val());\n });\n\n return values;\n }\n\n // Select multiple case\n if (this.$element.is('select') && null === this.$element.val())\n return [];\n\n // Default case that should never happen\n return this.$element.val();\n },\n\n _init: function () {\n this.$elements = [this.$element];\n\n return this;\n }\n};\n\nexport default ParsleyMultiple;\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport ParsleyUtils from './utils';\nimport ParsleyAbstract from './abstract';\nimport ParsleyForm from './form';\nimport ParsleyField from './field';\nimport ParsleyMultiple from './multiple';\n\nvar ParsleyFactory = function (element, options, parsleyFormInstance) {\n this.$element = $(element);\n\n // If the element has already been bound, returns its saved Parsley instance\n var savedparsleyFormInstance = this.$element.data('Parsley');\n if (savedparsleyFormInstance) {\n\n // If the saved instance has been bound without a ParsleyForm parent and there is one given in this call, add it\n if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance && savedparsleyFormInstance.parent === window.Parsley) {\n savedparsleyFormInstance.parent = parsleyFormInstance;\n savedparsleyFormInstance._resetOptions(savedparsleyFormInstance.options);\n }\n\n return savedparsleyFormInstance;\n }\n\n // Parsley must be instantiated with a DOM element or jQuery $element\n if (!this.$element.length)\n throw new Error('You must bind Parsley on an existing element.');\n\n if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyFormInstance && 'ParsleyForm' !== parsleyFormInstance.__class__)\n throw new Error('Parent instance must be a ParsleyForm instance');\n\n this.parent = parsleyFormInstance || window.Parsley;\n return this.init(options);\n};\n\nParsleyFactory.prototype = {\n init: function (options) {\n this.__class__ = 'Parsley';\n this.__version__ = '@@version';\n this.__id__ = ParsleyUtils.generateID();\n\n // Pre-compute options\n this._resetOptions(options);\n\n // A ParsleyForm instance is obviously a `` element but also every node that is not an input and has the `data-parsley-validate` attribute\n if (this.$element.is('form') || (ParsleyUtils.checkAttr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, 'validate') && !this.$element.is(this.options.inputs)))\n return this.bind('parsleyForm');\n\n // Every other element is bound as a `ParsleyField` or `ParsleyFieldMultiple`\n return this.isMultiple() ? this.handleMultiple() : this.bind('parsleyField');\n },\n\n isMultiple: function () {\n return (this.$element.is('input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]')) || (this.$element.is('select') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('multiple'));\n },\n\n // Multiples fields are a real nightmare :(\n // Maybe some refactoring would be appreciated here...\n handleMultiple: function () {\n var name;\n var multiple;\n var parsleyMultipleInstance;\n\n // Handle multiple name\n if (this.options.multiple)\n ; // We already have our 'multiple' identifier\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('name') && this.$element.attr('name').length)\n this.options.multiple = name = this.$element.attr('name');\n else if ('undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('id') && this.$element.attr('id').length)\n this.options.multiple = this.$element.attr('id');\n\n // Special select multiple input\n if (this.$element.is('select') && 'undefined' !== typeof this.$element.attr('multiple')) {\n this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple || this.__id__;\n return this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple');\n\n // Else for radio / checkboxes, we need a `name` or `data-parsley-multiple` to properly bind it\n } else if (!this.options.multiple) {\n ParsleyUtils.warn('To be bound by Parsley, a radio, a checkbox and a multiple select input must have either a name or a multiple option.', this.$element);\n return this;\n }\n\n // Remove special chars\n this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple.replace(/(:|\\.|\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}|\\$)/g, '');\n\n // Add proper `data-parsley-multiple` to siblings if we have a valid multiple name\n if ('undefined' !== typeof name) {\n $('input[name=\"' + name + '\"]').each((i, input) => {\n if ($(input).is('input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox]'))\n $(input).attr(this.options.namespace + 'multiple', this.options.multiple);\n });\n }\n\n // Check here if we don't already have a related multiple instance saved\n var $previouslyRelated = this._findRelated();\n for (var i = 0; i < $previouslyRelated.length; i++) {\n parsleyMultipleInstance = $($previouslyRelated.get(i)).data('Parsley');\n if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyMultipleInstance) {\n\n if (!this.$element.data('ParsleyFieldMultiple')) {\n parsleyMultipleInstance.addElement(this.$element);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n\n // Create a secret ParsleyField instance for every multiple field. It will be stored in `data('ParsleyFieldMultiple')`\n // And will be useful later to access classic `ParsleyField` stuff while being in a `ParsleyFieldMultiple` instance\n this.bind('parsleyField', true);\n\n return parsleyMultipleInstance || this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple');\n },\n\n // Return proper `ParsleyForm`, `ParsleyField` or `ParsleyFieldMultiple`\n bind: function (type, doNotStore) {\n var parsleyInstance;\n\n switch (type) {\n case 'parsleyForm':\n parsleyInstance = $.extend(\n new ParsleyForm(this.$element, this.domOptions, this.options),\n window.ParsleyExtend\n )._bindFields();\n break;\n case 'parsleyField':\n parsleyInstance = $.extend(\n new ParsleyField(this.$element, this.domOptions, this.options, this.parent),\n window.ParsleyExtend\n );\n break;\n case 'parsleyFieldMultiple':\n parsleyInstance = $.extend(\n new ParsleyField(this.$element, this.domOptions, this.options, this.parent),\n new ParsleyMultiple(),\n window.ParsleyExtend\n )._init();\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error(type + 'is not a supported Parsley type');\n }\n\n if (this.options.multiple)\n ParsleyUtils.setAttr(this.$element, this.options.namespace, 'multiple', this.options.multiple);\n\n if ('undefined' !== typeof doNotStore) {\n this.$element.data('ParsleyFieldMultiple', parsleyInstance);\n\n return parsleyInstance;\n }\n\n // Store the freshly bound instance in a DOM element for later access using jQuery `data()`\n this.$element.data('Parsley', parsleyInstance);\n\n // Tell the world we have a new ParsleyForm or ParsleyField instance!\n parsleyInstance._trigger('init');\n\n return parsleyInstance;\n }\n};\n\nexport default ParsleyFactory;\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport ParsleyUtils from './utils';\nimport ParsleyDefaults from './defaults';\nimport ParsleyAbstract from './abstract';\nimport ParsleyValidatorRegistry from './validator_registry';\nimport ParsleyUI from './ui';\nimport ParsleyForm from './form';\nimport ParsleyField from './field';\nimport ParsleyMultiple from './multiple';\nimport ParsleyFactory from './factory';\n\nvar vernums = $.fn.jquery.split('.');\nif (parseInt(vernums[0]) <= 1 && parseInt(vernums[1]) < 8) {\n throw \"The loaded version of jQuery is too old. Please upgrade to 1.8.x or better.\";\n}\nif (!vernums.forEach) {\n ParsleyUtils.warn('Parsley requires ES5 to run properly. Please include https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim');\n}\n// Inherit `on`, `off` & `trigger` to Parsley:\nvar Parsley = $.extend(new ParsleyAbstract(), {\n $element: $(document),\n actualizeOptions: null,\n _resetOptions: null,\n Factory: ParsleyFactory,\n version: '@@version'\n });\n\n// Supplement ParsleyField and Form with ParsleyAbstract\n// This way, the constructors will have access to those methods\n$.extend(ParsleyField.prototype, ParsleyAbstract.prototype);\n$.extend(ParsleyForm.prototype, ParsleyAbstract.prototype);\n// Inherit actualizeOptions and _resetOptions:\n$.extend(ParsleyFactory.prototype, ParsleyAbstract.prototype);\n\n// ### jQuery API\n// `$('.elem').parsley(options)` or `$('.elem').psly(options)`\n$.fn.parsley = $.fn.psly = function (options) {\n if (this.length > 1) {\n var instances = [];\n\n this.each(function () {\n instances.push($(this).parsley(options));\n });\n\n return instances;\n }\n\n // Return undefined if applied to non existing DOM element\n if (!$(this).length) {\n ParsleyUtils.warn('You must bind Parsley on an existing element.');\n\n return;\n }\n\n return new ParsleyFactory(this, options);\n};\n\n// ### ParsleyField and ParsleyForm extension\n// Ensure the extension is now defined if it wasn't previously\nif ('undefined' === typeof window.ParsleyExtend)\n window.ParsleyExtend = {};\n\n// ### Parsley config\n// Inherit from ParsleyDefault, and copy over any existing values\nParsley.options = $.extend(ParsleyUtils.objectCreate(ParsleyDefaults), window.ParsleyConfig);\nwindow.ParsleyConfig = Parsley.options; // Old way of accessing global options\n\n// ### Globals\nwindow.Parsley = window.psly = Parsley;\nwindow.ParsleyUtils = ParsleyUtils;\n\n// ### Define methods that forward to the registry, and deprecate all access except through window.Parsley\nvar registry = window.Parsley._validatorRegistry = new ParsleyValidatorRegistry(window.ParsleyConfig.validators, window.ParsleyConfig.i18n);\nwindow.ParsleyValidator = {};\n$.each('setLocale addCatalog addMessage addMessages getErrorMessage formatMessage addValidator updateValidator removeValidator'.split(' '), function (i, method) {\n window.Parsley[method] = $.proxy(registry, method);\n window.ParsleyValidator[method] = function () {\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce(`Accessing the method '${method}' through ParsleyValidator is deprecated. Simply call 'window.Parsley.${method}(...)'`);\n return window.Parsley[method](...arguments);\n };\n});\n\n// ### ParsleyUI\n// UI is a separate class that only listens to some events and then modifies the DOM accordingly\n// Could be overriden by defining a `window.ParsleyConfig.ParsleyUI` appropriate class (with `listen()` method basically)\nwindow.ParsleyUI = 'function' === typeof window.ParsleyConfig.ParsleyUI ?\n new window.ParsleyConfig.ParsleyUI().listen() : new ParsleyUI().listen();\n\n// ### PARSLEY auto-binding\n// Prevent it by setting `ParsleyConfig.autoBind` to `false`\nif (false !== window.ParsleyConfig.autoBind) {\n $(function () {\n // Works only on `data-parsley-validate`.\n if ($('[data-parsley-validate]').length)\n $('[data-parsley-validate]').parsley();\n });\n}\n\nexport default Parsley;\n","import $ from 'jquery';\n\nimport Parsley from './main';\n\n$.extend(true, Parsley, {\n asyncValidators: {\n 'default': {\n fn: function (xhr) {\n // By default, only status 2xx are deemed successful.\n // Note: we use status instead of state() because responses with status 200\n // but invalid messages (e.g. an empty body for content type set to JSON) will\n // result in state() === 'rejected'.\n return xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300;\n },\n url: false\n },\n reverse: {\n fn: function (xhr) {\n // If reverse option is set, a failing ajax request is considered successful\n return xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300;\n },\n url: false\n }\n },\n\n addAsyncValidator: function (name, fn, url, options) {\n Parsley.asyncValidators[name] = {\n fn: fn,\n url: url || false,\n options: options || {}\n };\n\n return this;\n }\n\n});\n\nParsley.addValidator('remote', {\n requirementType: {\n '': 'string',\n 'validator': 'string',\n 'reverse': 'boolean',\n 'options': 'object'\n },\n\n validateString: function (value, url, options, instance) {\n var data = {};\n var ajaxOptions;\n var csr;\n var validator = options.validator || (true === options.reverse ? 'reverse' : 'default');\n\n if ('undefined' === typeof Parsley.asyncValidators[validator])\n throw new Error('Calling an undefined async validator: `' + validator + '`');\n\n url = Parsley.asyncValidators[validator].url || url;\n\n // Fill current value\n if (url.indexOf('{value}') > -1) {\n url = url.replace('{value}', encodeURIComponent(value));\n } else {\n data[instance.$element.attr('name') || instance.$element.attr('id')] = value;\n }\n\n // Merge options passed in from the function with the ones in the attribute\n var remoteOptions = $.extend(true, options.options || {} , Parsley.asyncValidators[validator].options);\n\n // All `$.ajax(options)` could be overridden or extended directly from DOM in `data-parsley-remote-options`\n ajaxOptions = $.extend(true, {}, {\n url: url,\n data: data,\n type: 'GET'\n }, remoteOptions);\n\n // Generate store key based on ajax options\n instance.trigger('field:ajaxoptions', instance, ajaxOptions);\n\n csr = $.param(ajaxOptions);\n\n // Initialise querry cache\n if ('undefined' === typeof Parsley._remoteCache)\n Parsley._remoteCache = {};\n\n // Try to retrieve stored xhr\n var xhr = Parsley._remoteCache[csr] = Parsley._remoteCache[csr] || $.ajax(ajaxOptions);\n\n var handleXhr = function () {\n var result = Parsley.asyncValidators[validator].fn.call(instance, xhr, url, options);\n if (!result) // Map falsy results to rejected promise\n result = $.Deferred().reject();\n return $.when(result);\n };\n\n return xhr.then(handleXhr, handleXhr);\n },\n\n priority: -1\n});\n\nParsley.on('form:submit', function () {\n Parsley._remoteCache = {};\n});\n\nwindow.ParsleyExtend.addAsyncValidator = function () {\n ParsleyUtils.warnOnce('Accessing the method `addAsyncValidator` through an instance is deprecated. Simply call `Parsley.addAsyncValidator(...)`');\n return Parsley.addAsyncValidator(...arguments);\n};\n","// This is included with the Parsley library itself,\n// thus there is no use in adding it to your project.\nimport Parsley from '../parsley/main';\n\nParsley.addMessages('en', {\n defaultMessage: \"This value seems to be invalid.\",\n type: {\n email: \"This value should be a valid email.\",\n url: \"This value should be a valid url.\",\n number: \"This value should be a valid number.\",\n integer: \"This value should be a valid integer.\",\n digits: \"This value should be digits.\",\n alphanum: \"This value should be alphanumeric.\"\n },\n notblank: \"This value should not be blank.\",\n required: \"This value is required.\",\n pattern: \"This value seems to be invalid.\",\n min: \"This value should be greater than or equal to %s.\",\n max: \"This value should be lower than or equal to %s.\",\n range: \"This value should be between %s and %s.\",\n minlength: \"This value is too short. It should have %s characters or more.\",\n maxlength: \"This value is too long. It should have %s characters or fewer.\",\n length: \"This value length is invalid. It should be between %s and %s characters long.\",\n mincheck: \"You must select at least %s choices.\",\n maxcheck: \"You must select %s choices or fewer.\",\n check: \"You must select between %s and %s choices.\",\n equalto: \"This value should be the same.\"\n});\n\nParsley.setLocale('en');\n","import $ from 'jquery';\nimport Parsley from './parsley/main';\nimport './parsley/pubsub';\nimport './parsley/remote';\nimport './i18n/en';\n\nexport default Parsley;\n"],"sourceRoot":"/source/"}